
2nd IVF Cycle Success Rate

2nd IVF Cycle Success Rate: Hope the Best

Most people put all their hopes and dreams into their first IVF cycle and feel sad when it fails. Undergoing IVF is a big decision. It requires a lot of physical and mental strength and is also expensive.

So, it is normal for couples to expect results in their first cycle and stop continuing the treatment if they fail to get pregnant. But, they don’t realize that the second cycle has more chances of a successful pregnancy than the first.

Want to know how? Continue reading this article to understand how the second IVF cycle can increase your chances of pregnancy and what measures you can take to improve your chances.

Possibility of pregnancy after one IVF failure?

Several studies have been done on the possibility of women having a positive pregnancy during their first, second, and third cycles. The conclusion was that of all the women tested, only 40% of them were able to get pregnant during their first cycle. 

The rest needed to undergo two or more cycles to get pregnant successfully. Studies also show that the success rates of IVF pregnancies increased as the number of cycles increased. 

Of course, the success rate differed for women depending on their age and other health factors. However, the fact was that the success rate of their second cycle was substantially higher compared to their first, and their third cycle was higher compared to their second. 

The table below will help you understand how women’s success rates differed in their first and second cycles. No matter their age, their success rate in the second cycle was higher than their first. 

Note: The table only gives an approximate success rate and is not the accurate value. Your success rate may differ if you have any existing fertility or health conditions.

Woman’s age during the first IVF cycle Chances of pregnancy during the first cycle Chances of pregnancy during the second cycle
Under 30
More than 60%
Over 45
Less than 5%

You can see how there was a huge decline in success rate when the woman’s age crossed 35. So, if you wish to undergo IVF, the younger you are, the better. Also, don’t get discouraged if your first IVF cycle fails. As you can see, you have more chances of success during the second cycle. 

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How to improve the success rate after IVF failure?

Having an IVF failure during the first cycle is normal. So, the best thing you can do is improve your success rate during the next cycle. Here are some tips you can follow to increase your chances of pregnancy during your second cycle. 

Understand why your IVF cycle failed

The best thing you can do is identify the cause of failure and ensure you rectify those issues in your second cycle. This will help prevent complications and also increase the chances of pregnancy. 

Oftentimes, IVF failure happens for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The egg, sperm, or embryo are of poor quality.In this case you have to improve the quality of the egg and sperm.
  • The embryo has chromosomal abnormalities.
  • You lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • You have an existing fertility condition.
  • Your uterus has less receptivity.

Discuss preventive measures with your doctor

Once you know why your IVF cycle failed, discuss with your doctor and follow preventive measures to rectify the problem. Take the tests and medications your doctor suggests and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Take rest and recover before beginning your next cycle

Your body would have undergone several physical and hormonal changes during the IVF procedure. IVF failure can also be emotionally distressing for you. So, take rest, give your mind and body time to recover from the previous cycle, and then begin your second cycle. 

The standard gap you should leave between two IVF cycles is 4–6 weeks. You can also take more time if you feel like it. However, ensure you have at least one menstrual cycle before starting the next IVF cycle.

How many IVF cycles are safe?

The number of IVF cycles you might require to get pregnant successfully might depend on your health and fertility. A single cycle takes about three to six weeks, depending on the treatment and the procedure you follow. 

As we have seen before, the success rate of IVF treatments increases as the number of cycles. Though there is no evidence proving that women can only go through a certain number of cycles, doctors usually try to make women pregnant within five or six cycles. 

In case you can’t get pregnant within six IVF cycles, you can try other fertility treatment methods like donor eggs or sperm and surrogacy programs. 


Failing in your first IVF cycle can be very depressing. But you should know that it is normal, and most women only get pregnant during their second or third cycles. 

Discuss with your partner and fertility doctor what you can do after the failure. Don’t lose hope, and learn what you can do to prevent IVF failure in the next cycles.


Which cycle of IVF is most successful?

According to studies, the second and third cycles have been shown to have the most success rate among others.

Is IVF more Successful the Second Time?

Yes, IVF is more successful the second time than the first time. Of all women undergoing IVF, only 40% have been shown to get pregnant in their first cycle. Others needed two or more cycles to get pregnant.

Is it OK to do IVF back to back?

Having back-to-back IVF cycles is generally safe, and women can start their next cycle after getting their period. However, women may be at a higher risk of complications like OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) and multiple pregnancies. 


It is best to discuss with your doctor and get their opinion on when you can start your next cycle. 

When should I stop IVF?

Doctors will usually recommend you stop undergoing IVF if it does not give you any results, even after a few cycles. Instead, you can choose other fertility treatment options like using donor eggs or sperm, or you can hire a surrogate to carry your baby.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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