
Breast Leaking During Pregnancy

Breast Leaking During Pregnancy

Pregnant women may go through several circumstances before giving birth. Bloating, headaches, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, and early morning sickness are a few of the symptoms. During their pregnancy, they can encounter these symptoms. However, some women do not experience any of these symptoms. Every woman has a unique body type. 

They have different hormone levels, different food, and more. Like these symptoms, breast leaking is also one of the changes that pregnant women have. Let us explore the comprehensive overview of breast leaking during pregnancy in this article to help you overcome the fear of having a breast leak.

What is Breast Leaking?

Pregnant women may experience breast leakage as a result of changes in their bodies levels of progesterone and oestrogen. Your breasts may generate colostrum to feed your unborn kid while your body gets ready to nurse them. This leads to leaking in your breasts. When your breasts are stimulated, you may have some leaks.

When Do Your Breasts Start Leaking?

Your body may start to produce breast milk during your third trimester. Because some women may have given birth to a child earlier. As a precautionary method, your body starts producing milk. Some women may feel heaviness, soreness, and discomfort from having leaks in their breasts. They may feel uncomfortable when they are out. But understand that your breasts are leaking only a few drops, not more. 

You may have some moisture or a few flakes of your milk in your nipples, which are not bothering your day-to-day activities. Make up your mind that it is only a common symptom that your body is undergoing during pregnancy. You may not need to worry about this condition, as it is a normal change in your body during your pregnancy journey.

Why Does It Leak?

Even before your baby is born, your body starts to make every process to support your newborn baby. Let us see why you are having leaking breasts during pregnancy.

  • Your body starts early milk production as a result of the changes in pregnancy hormones.
  • External stimulations also cause leaking breasts. For example, your tight innerwear or touching your nipples may cause some leaks.
  • When you are in the third trimester, your body readily starts to produce milk.

Is It Normal to Have Leaking Breasts?

Yes. It is completely normal to have leaking breasts during your pregnancy. This is just a response to your body to start milk production to aid the unborn baby.

How to Manage Your Leaking Breasts?

When your breasts are ready to produce milk, your breasts may look more tender than normal. A simple hot water treatment may help you to get rid of your heavy breasts. Don’t worry about your heavy breasts during pregnancy hereafter. Follow this simple method. Take some warm water, dip a soft cloth in it, and gently apply it on your breasts. Repeat this process five to six times. 

After this, you may get some relief from your heavy breasts. Since you may have a few drops in your nipples, don’t wear any tight innerwear, as it may worsen the condition. Avoid wearing tight fits during your pregnancy. Loose fits may help you feel comfortable.

Understanding Colostrum and Its Role in Breast Leaking

Cows also produce colostrum shortly after giving birth to a calf from their udder. Likewise, in human beings, women’s breasts produce colostrum to feed the newborn. For the first few days, this colostrum milk can be produced in varied thicknesses. It is rich in antioxidants and antibodies to fight against any infections naturally. So, it is a natural immune booster that can be given to the young during the first few days.

Usually, you may think that milk may be produced after the delivery of your baby and why you are experiencing it now. In some cases, you may have some leaks, which are only a few drops that won’t affect your milk production after delivery. 

Why Colostrum is Important for Your Baby?

  • When compared to mature milk, this colostrum contains low fat and carbs but high protein.
  • The increased secretion of IgA helps to fight infections and strengthen the immune system of newborns.
  • Healthy microbiomes are established to promote the gut health of newborns.

As a mother’s milk is sufficient enough to produce the nutrients needed for a newborn, all new mothers should give only breast milk for nearly 6 months. Due to these beneficial properties, your body is producing the colostrum during pregnancy.

When to Seek Doctor’s Help?

Inform your caretaker or doctor if:

  • The amount of colostrum you’re leaking has suddenly increased, or you’re leaking more than a few drops at a time.
  • Blood is present in the colostrum.
  • There is a thick colostrum.

While none of these are particularly concerning, it’s advisable to consult your physician, as they may indicate a blocked milk duct.


When breast milk is unexpectedly found on your nipples, bra, or clothing during pregnancy, it can be concerning. It’s completely normal, though, and indicates that your body is getting ready to feed your child.
If you have questions about leaking milk or other pregnancy changes, contact your doctor or midwife for reassurance and guidance.


What are the signs of breast leakage for women?

If the breasts are stimulated during foreplay, a few drops of fluid may be released. Additionally, when nipples scrape against clothing while exercising or engaging in other physical activities, clear fluid may flow.

Does colostrum indicate labour?

In the final trimester, breast leaking frequently happens and may be interpreted as an indication of labour. Breast leaks may be accompanied by uterine contractions during intercourse. Colostrum leakage, however, does not signify the onset of preterm labour or the imminence of labour.

What leads to breast leakage?

The hormone prolactin which promotes milk production, is the cause of breast leakage. During pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester, prolactin levels rise. Small amounts of colostrum may flow when prolactin levels surpass estrogen and progesterone.

When does one need to see a doctor?

It’s common for breasts to leak during pregnancy. Wearing nursing pads can help if the leak is unpleasant. But seek medical advice if:
1. There is too much leakage (more than a few drops).
2. The colostrum has an odd or bloody appearance.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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