
Can Fibroids Cause Infertility

Can Fibroids Cause Infertility?

Fibroids can be formed due to several causes. However, the presence of fibroids itself is a reason behind fertility issues in women. This blocks the way sperm meets an egg and alters the hormones and bodily functions of women with its presence by showing the symptoms. If the common growth is causing serious troubles, then your healthcare provider may suggest some medicines to cure or sometimes removing fibroids through surgery is essential. This article covers fibroids, their causes, treatments, and more.

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Usually, uterine fibroids are harmless tumours that form in and out of your uterus. As they are common growths in the uterus, you don’t need to worry that it may be cancerous growth. However, their location and size may impact fertility and natural conception.

Fibroid Size Chart

Dimension: >1 cm – 5 cm
Comparison: Size of a pea to a lime

Dimension: 5 cm – 10 cm
Comparison: The size of a peach to a large lemon

Dimension: 10 cm+
Comparison: The size of a mango to a watermelon
This size chart may help you to know the different sizes of fibroids that need more attention.

Types of Uterine Fibroids

Depending on their location, fibroids can be divided into four categories and also mentioned the exceptional case also:

Fibroid Type Location Percentage Table Header
Located in the uterine wall
Can be pedunculated or attached to the uterine wall
Located in the middle layers of the uterine wall's muscles
Typically develops within the uterine muscle layers
Found within the uterine wall and extending into the uterine cavity.
Can extend into the uterine cavity.
Connected to the uterus by a stalk or directly to the uterine wall
Sometimes attached to nearby organs like the bladder or colon.
Rare Locations
Outside the pelvic cavity
In rare cases, fibroids can grow outside of the pelvic cavity also

These common types of fibroids are causing interruptions for women in their daily lives.

How Uterine Fibroids are formed?

Many things are involved in forming fibroids that cause difficulties for women. Researchers also don’t know the causes of forming uterine fibroids but some guesses or reasons may be thought to become the root cause as follows:

  • Excessive hormones: The high estrogen levels stimulate the growth of the fibroids when preparing the uterine lining for possible pregnancy.
  • Family history: Fibroids can be hereditary; however, this is because genetic factors are involved.
  • Women with high fat: Women who are fat and chubby are more susceptible to the problem as the fat causes oestrogen levels in the body that encourage fibroid tumour growth.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Uterine Fibroids?

A pelvic exam is performed to detect uterine fibroids, especially if symptoms like heavy bleeding occur. Some other tests can help diagnose fibroids and determine their size and location:

  • Ultrasonography supports diagnosing by producing images of the inside uterine using sound waves.
  • MRI helps produce finely detailed images using radio waves and magnets to check the fibroids effectively.
  • CT scans provide detailed interior images using X-rays.
  • Hysteroscopy inspects the uterus using a camera that is sent through the cervix.
  • HSG obtains detailed X-rays by injecting contrast material.
  • Sonohysterography enhances ultrasound images by administering saline.
  • The camera in the Laparoscopy helps to view the issues through tiny incisions.

Common Signs of Uterine Fibroids

Some women may not have any symptoms even though they have fibroids. Each one has different fibrous in different locations and sizes may also vary. So, the common symptoms of fibroids include:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Menstrual clots
  • Periods longer than a week
  • Pelvic pressure or pain during periods
  • Irregular bleeding between periods
  • Frequent urination

Can Fibroids Lead to Infertility?

Yes, the location and size of the fibroids may impact fertility. If fibroids are large enough, they may affect fertility when they occur in the uterine wall or within the uterine cavity where submucosal types grow.

Most women with fibroids do still become pregnant. Further causes for infertility should be evaluated. A fertility specialist can determine if fibroids are interfering with conception.

How does fibroid affect fertility?

Fibroids could reduce fertility through these different mechanisms.

  • They may alter the form of the cervix. This may influence sperm to penetrate it.
  • Fibroids can also block the tubes. The result is that there would be inhibition of fertilisation of the egg.
  • They might cause damage to the lining of the uterus. Their effect could result in the lowering of blood supply, which can interfere with the growth or implantation of the embryo.

Complications of Uterine Fibroids

Although uterine fibroids are often not dangerous, they can cause issues including heavy bleeding, which can result in anaemia, difficulties getting pregnant, and severe pelvic pain if they increase or are located in specific places. Untreated fibroids in expectant mothers can result in:

  • Miscarriage
  • Preterm delivery
  • Abnormal fetal position
  • Heavy bleeding after childbirth (postpartum haemorrhage)

Treatment Options for Fibroids and Infertility

Uterine fibroids can be treated by giving medications orally or by doing surgery to remove the fibroids entirely. These primary methods treat fibroids based on their size, location, and symptoms.

Therapy or Medications

Although they can reduce fibroids, medications that target hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle cannot completely eradicate them in some cases. 


Modern techniques like laparoscopic surgery are followed to remove interrupting fibroid. Your healthcare provider may give tablets to follow for at least one month following surgery before attempting to conceive. Routine pelvic examinations and ultrasounds are recommended to track any recurrence of fibroids in women who are trying to conceive.


In India, most women are affected with uterine fibroids at a high rate. Some may know the cause and some may not. Women who are expecting to conceive can be greatly affected by this common growth in several ways. They can interfere with the reproduction process by preventing the sperm and egg from meeting along with risking embryo implantation in the uterus, and even impede the smooth progression of a pregnancy. In some cases, fibroids may also impede the baby’s development and positioning.

Remember that the treatment for fibroids in individuals depends on both the severity of your symptoms and your personal physician’s advice on this matter. Your healthcare professional will discuss possible solutions that best work for your particular situation and fertility interests with you.


Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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