Have you successfully completed the process of embryo transfer into the uterus? This means that you are closer to your parenthood dreams.
IVF treatment involves several processes; however, the embryo transfer is the biggest milestone for both patients and fertility specialists. After that, the patients’ need to impatiently wait for the pregnancy confirmation, which is probably around 2 weeks from the date of transfer. You are advised to follow certain precautions to improve the chances of successful implantation.
This article uncovers the various measures and precautions that you should follow after an embryo transfer in IVF. Let’s delve into the topic in detail:
Immediate Rest and Relaxation
Yes, the rest and relaxation are the primary concerns after an embryo transfer. It not only promotes the chances of successful pregnancy rates but also helps heal your physical and mental health. During IVF, your body undergoes several challenges and a painful journey, which increases the stress and anxiety.
Avoid practicing any straining activities like jumping, running, exercises, etc. You should be free from all unnecessary stress of work pressure and travel. Giving rest to your body and soul calms down your health and increases the chances of successful implantation.
Diet and Nutrition Tips
A healthy and balanced diet is essential to supply your body with enough nutrients and proteins. Following proper diet after embryo transfer can help you ensure proper nourishment during this critical period. Here are some tips provided to keep yourself hydrated and healthy:
Follow a Balanced Diet: You should include a variety of healthy foods in your meals, such as protein, whole grains, iron-rich foods, vegetables, fruits, vitamin B, and manganese. These are important to support your fetus’s growth and development.
Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Instead of plain water, you can try hot water, herbal teas, coconut water, bone broths, fresh fruit juice, or clear vegetable broths.
Avoid Certain Foods: You should stop eating certain unhealthy and harmful foods such as deli meats, unpasteurized dairy, raw or undercooked eggs and meats, soft cheeses, and packaged items.
Physical Activity Guidelines
The primary concern of fertility specialists is to reduce physical and mental strain as much as possible. If you don’t have anyone around you to take care of household chores, try reducing the workload. Excessive work or physical activities can pressurize your health, which reduces the chances of implantation. Don’t do any physical exercises and heavy weight lifting for the next few weeks.
Medications and Supplements
Doctors recommend you start the daily dose of folic acid after an embryo transfer. Your body requires at least 400 mcg of folic acid during pregnancy. It supports fetal development and prevents neural tube defects.
Women are generally violated by various abnormalities, causing risk to the developing fetus. To lower the risk of congenital deformities and other defects, you are advised to take a folic acid supplement. Whether it is a natural conception or fertility treatment, this supplement is part of pregnancy.
Managing Emotions and Stress
The medications and challenging situations you have gone through during your IVF treatment make you feel stressed and anxious. It is quite common after an embryo transfer while waiting for the pregnancy results. But you are advised to stay calm and relax with the following ways:
- Prioritize self-care such as reading, meditation, journaling, or yoga to keep you relaxed.
- You can spend some quality time with people who are close to your heart.
- Try to keep your mind off it without letting it overthink.
- Talk to your partner and doctor openly, which calms down your emotions.
- Try to balance your normal routine, which helps divert your mind.
Away from Heat and Harmful Chemicals
Maintaining your body temperature is key to preventing your uterus from stress. According to the studies, the heat beyond 102 to 103 degrees can disrupt the embryo implantation, fetal development, and pregnancy hormones.
You should stay away from steam baths or saunas and stop eating certain hot temperature foods like:
Spinach, ginger, broccoli, onions, raw papaya, spicy foods, black pepper, caffeine, sesame seeds, and certain types of meat and fish.
Avoid exposure to any harmful chemicals that can negatively influence the baby’s growth, placenta function, and hormone levels. Many household products include EDCs, which contain phthalates, triclosan, bisphenol A (BPA), parabens, and others that are quite risky to use. Consider choosing natural or organic products that are free from EDC chemicals.
Avoid Sexual Intercourse
It is important to avoid sexual activity for some time. Your reproductive tract is now carrying a developing embryo, which may get damaged through sexual activity.
It causes pressure on the uterus and disturbs the uterine contractions. These contractions can typically affect the embryo present in the uterus and causes in the development. Talk to your doctor to ensure how long you should stay away from sexual intercourse after an embryo transfer.
Recognizing Symptoms and When to Consult a Doctor
After an embryo transfer, you must be very mindful of all activities to avoid any risk cases. If you notice any unusual symptoms or pain in your abdomen, consult your doctor immediately.
Severe Pain or Cramping: Mild cramps or pain are normal during implantation. If you feel severe, consult your doctor without fail.
Spotting or Bleeding: Spotting is usual for some women, but if it extends beyond a couple of days, you can check with your doctor. It may increase the flow and cause a negative result.
Myths about Post-Transfer Care
Here are the lists of things you should do and avoid after an embryo transfer:
- Need rest and relaxation
- Maintain a healthy diet
- Stay hydrated
- Pamper yourself
- Avoid physical activities
- Don’t get stressed
- Avoid alcohol and smoking
- Avoid exposure to excessive heat and chemicals
- No sexual intercourse
- Don’t take a pregnancy test soon after an embryo transfer
Waiting a long time for your parenthood dreams is really a challenging task. But don’t worry; IVF provides you an effective solution based on your fertility causes. Once after the successful embryo transfer, you should take care of yourself for certain days. It heals your health and also improves the chances of success.
Immediately after an embryo transfer, you are advised to take rest in the recovery room for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Some doctors may recommend 24 hours, depending on your health and individual scenarios.
Here are some significant pieces of advice recommended by doctors to improve the chance of success, such as:
- Be relax
- Eat well
- Take supplements on-time
- Avoid negative thoughts and emotions
- Avoid bathing and swimming
- No sexual intercourse
- Follow your doctor’s order
Yes, walking is generally safe after an embryo transfer. It increases the blood flow to the uterus and improves the chances of conception.
Patients are advised to stay positive after an embryo transfer. It may seem difficult, but it is important to keep your mental health calm.
- Avoid unnecessary stress
- Seek emotional support
- Follow meditation and yoga
- Be patient
Sleeping on your back is generally considered the best position. It helps increase the blood flow to the reproductive system and reduce strain on your abdominal organs.