
Do Antibiotics Affect Embryo implantation

Do Antibiotics Affect Embryo implantation?

Antibiotics has become an essential part  of our life. Whether it is an illness or an infection, the first medicine you go for are some good old pills.

However, you don’t know whether these antibiotics affect your fertility. Especially when you are trying to get pregnant through IVF, you will want to ensure nothing comes between you and your chances of a successful pregnancy.

So, it is normal for you to doubt whether antibiotics affect conception. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into antibiotics and their effect of IVF pregnancy. Read till the end to learn more.

Do antibiotics affect embryo implantation?

Several studies have been conducted to identify whether administering antibiotics before or after embryo transfer affects embryo implantation rates. The collective result is that antibiotics do not have much effect on embryo implantation. 

Antibiotics, however, have been shown to reduce bacterial growth in the upper genital tract. High levels of certain bacteria in the genital tract can affect implantation rate. 

Antibiotics can help reduce these bacteria and provide an optimal environment for embryo implantation. However, this has not been shown to have a huge effect on implantation and IVF success.

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key takeaways

Here is the Key points , which is a summarized version of this blog

  • While antibiotics may be safe to use during the two weeks after embryo transfer 
  • UTIs before embryo transfer should be fully treated to avoid potential impacts on implantation and complications.
  • Specific antibiotics such as Rifampicin, Azithromycin, and Doxycycline may be prescribed before egg retrieval to prevent infections and help maintain a favourable environment for implantation, but certain antibiotics should be avoided during pregnancy as they may increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Antibiotics are not proven to affect egg quality or ovulation in women but may impact sperm quality and quantity in men if used frequently.

    Read more to know more about “antibiotics in embryo transfer”

Can I take antibiotics after embryo transfer?

Yes, it is perfectly safe for you to take antibiotics during the two-week wait after embryo transfer. You only need to stop taking certain medications after your pregnancy is tested positive.

It is just like when you get pregnant naturally. Most times, you won’t even know if you are pregnant and continue taking antibiotics. However, your embryo implantation and pregnancy result won’t be affected by it.

Doctors will only ask you to stop certain antibiotics after you have a positive pregnancy test. So, if it is okay to take antibiotics until you test positive in a natural pregnancy, there is no harm in taking antibiotics during the two weeks after embryo transfer.

However, it is best to consult your fertility doctor and only take the medications that they confirm are safe for your pregnancy. Some antibiotics may be too strong and can affect your pregnancy result.

UTI before embryo transfer

UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) are bacterial infections that affect the urinary system, including the bladder, kidneys, uterus, and urethra. Having a UTI before embryo transfer can affect the success rate of the procedure. 

A UTI can affect embryo implantation in several ways:

  • It can cause inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tubes, or cervix, affecting implantation. 
  • It can alter the pH level of the vaginal and uterus, making the uterine environment less suitable for implantation.

UTIs have been shown to increase the risk of other complications in women, like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, or sepsis. So, if you have been diagnosed with a UTI, ensure you treat it completely before undergoing an IVF procedure.

Rifampicin before egg retrieval

Rifampicin is an antibiotic used to treat TB (tuberculosis). A high dose of rifampicin has been shown to significantly decrease the number of sperm count and motility. A higher dose is also believed to cause miscarriage in women, but there is no proof for that.

Azithromycin before egg retrieval

Azithromycin is an antibiotic that your doctor will prescribe you to take before egg retrieval. Egg retrieval is a minimally invasive procedure, and there might be risks of infection.

Though the chances of getting an infection are low, it is best to be safe and take the antibiotic before the procedure.

Doxycycline before egg retrieval

Doxycycline is another antibiotic that your doctor might prescribe before egg retrieval. This medication is used to control the bacteria that can affect implantation or cause infection during egg retrieval.

Do antibiotics affect egg quality?

So far, there is no proof to show that antibiotics affect egg quality. Antibiotics do not affect your egg quality and your chances of pregnancy.

Some antibiotics have even been shown to improve female fertility by preventing infections and other complications that can impact pregnancy.

If you are actively trying to get pregnant, consult with your doctor before taking any antibiotic.

Do antibiotics affect sperm?

Antibiotics don’t affect sperm if taken in lesser quantities. However, antibiotics can affect sperm quality and quantity if they are taken frequently.

Antibiotics have been shown to decrease the number of sperm produced in the testicles. Even the sperm produced are sometimes of poor quality and have poor motility and morphology. It could be tough to improve sperm viscosity and motility again.

So, it is best for men to limit their antibiotics and consult a doctor before taking them.

Benefits of antibiotics during IVF pregnancy

IVF procedures are generally safe, and there are very few chances of complications. However, you might get infections due to the minimally invasive procedures of egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

These procedures are transvaginal and involve inserting instruments through your vagina and cervix into your uterus. This might sometimes cause infections or inflammations.

Taking antibiotics before these procedures can protect you against these infections. They can also control the bacteria in your reproductive system and prevent them from affecting embryo implantation rates.

Risk of antibiotics during IVF pregnancy

Although antibiotics are generally not harmful to take during pregnancy, there are some antibiotics that you should avoid after confirming pregnancy. Studies have noted that certain antibiotics increase the chances of miscarriage if taken during pregnancy.

Some antibiotics to be avoided during pregnancy are

  • Clarithromycin,
  • Quinolones,
  • Metronidazole,
  • Sulfonamides,
  • Tetracyclines, etc.

Remember to always consult your fertility doctor before taking an antibiotic. Only take them if they consent. It is best to get a prescription from your doctor if you need an antibiotic.

Some tips to make embryo transfer successful

Want to increase your chances of IVF success? Here are some tips you can follow after an embryo transfer to ensure the embryo gets implanted and develops into a healthy baby. 

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Do regular, mild exercises
  • Take your prescribed medicines on time
  • Avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking, etc.,
  • Avoid taking hot baths or showers
  • Avoid excessive bending after embryo transfer
  • use natural products , avoid harful chemicals.

Of all the tips we discussed above, your diet is the most important. Understand the foods you can take after embryo transfer and the foods you must avoid after embryo transfer to improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy.


Antibiotics generally don’t affect your chances of getting pregnant of you take them before you are tested positive. Some doctors will even suggest certain antibiotics to prevent infections and increase the chances of pregnancy. 

However, it is best to stay safe and consult your doctor regarding the antibiotics you can and cannot take during pregnancy. Don’t take the ones that your doctor considers bad for you and your baby.


Can I take antibiotics while trying to conceive?

Yes, antibiotics can help you conceive if your cause of negative pregnancy are UTIs or other infections. Howver, prolonged usage of certain antibiotics can also interfere with pregnancy. So only take the medicines your doctor prescribes for you. 

Does rifampicin affect fertility?

Rifampicin is an antibiotic used to treat TB (tuberculosis). A high dose of rifampicin has been shown to significantly decrease the number of sperm count and motility. A higher dose is also believed to cause miscarriage in women, but there is no proof for that.

Can antibiotics affect ovulation?

There is currently no evidence claiming that antibiotics affect ovulation. They have not been shown to affect a woman’s hormonal balance, ovulation, or chances of pregnancy.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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