No doubt that every pregnancy is unique, right? Yeah. Still, many people consider IVF pregnancy as even more different as couples need to undergo many treatments and cope with their emotional and mental well-being.
Does an IVF Pregnancy Feel Different? But have you ever thought in what ways an IVF pregnancy can be different? Is there anything strange in ARTs from natural pregnancy? Nope, not at all. This blog helps you to understand the symptoms and emotional aspects of IVF patients. So, don’t miss to check out as it provides you with a lot of new information and clarity on IVF.
Major differences between IVF and Normal pregnancy
Here is the list of major differences between normal and IVF pregnancy.
Time for the entire fertilization process
This is one of the major differences that many people are aware of, fertilization takes place in two distinct forms.
In normal pregnancy, it is natural conception, fertilization occurs naturally within the fallopian tube around or after the ovulation phase through sexual activity. It is a quick process that happens within hours after sperm meets the eggs and is completely inside the human body.
In the case of IVF , the fertilization process occurs outside the body and it is a longer process than you think. In vitro fertilization has multiple steps such as egg retrieval, semen collection, fertilization in the laboratory, and transferring the eggs once they are developed into healthy embryos. From preparation to the transfer process, it barely spans one to two months, which is approximately the time period of one IVF cycle.
Early pregnancy symptoms
A woman can’t see so many differences in case of early pregnancy symptoms as they are common. The symptoms may include nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness, and bloating. In a natural pregnancy, the very first confirmation is a missed period, but in IVF, women and couples eagerly wait for two weeks to take the pregnancy tests. More than a natural occurrence, couples know when to take a pregnancy test in IVF, almost all types of ARTs.
Pregnancy confirmation
Pregnancy confirmation is common for both, women can take a home pregnancy test or go to the hospital to check their blood HCG levels. In normal pregnancy, it could be a surprise even for parents, if it is IVF, then the couple will be expecting a baby. And, another important condition is patients must wait two weeks to get accurate pregnancy results.
Complications can make a huge difference in natural conception and pregnancy through ARTs. In normal pregnancy, complications will be based on the individual’s health condition, lifestyle habits, and age, which are almost because of underlying health issues.
But in the case of in vitro fertilization, you may experience higher risks like ectopic pregnancy, OHSS, or preterm delivery because of the IVF medications. Yes, some women can end up in these conditions. However, consulting a reputed doctor at the best clinic will reduce the risk as they can provide you with the right treatment on time.
Chances of multiple pregnancies
Women may not get multiple pregnancies that are conceived with twins until and unless their family line has a history of doubles or triplets. When it comes to in vitro fertilization, there is a chance for increased chances of twins and triplets. It happens because of transferring several embryos to increase the success of pregnancies. Still, you don’t want to worry a lot. Doctors will monitor your body continuously and help to overcome the challenges in conception with twin babies.
Medications are completely different for natural and IVF pregnancy because from hormonal stimulation to delivery, doctors plan every step at perfect timing. Hence, women undergoing in vitro fertilization will have a big list of injection and medicines, like hormonal shots, progesterone supplements, and others to support healthy pregnancy.
Regular follow-ups
In normal pregnancy, pregnant ladies will have only a smaller number of timely appointments in the intervals of 2 or 4 weeks. When it comes to in vitro fertilization, you need to undergo regular checkups from day one of consultation, which is mandatory for a healthy implantation.
Plus, women will undergo a lot of tests including hormonal examination, blood tests, ultrasound scans, and more. Male partners also undergo tests like semen analysis to identify their sperm quality, motility, and production range.
Baby’s health and growth
This is the most important and expected part of the blog, because some women get afraid and doubt the health condition of babies conceived through in vitro fertilization. However, everyone should understand that babies through IVF and normal pregnancies are the same in the aspect of health and other potential concerns.
Only in rare cases, you experience low birth weight or preterm delivery in both pregnancies. So, there is nothing to worry about too much, you can choose IVF or other ARTs to get successful pregnancy results.
The bottom line
In conclusion, in vitro fertilization and natural pregnancy are similar in several aspects including physical early pregnancy symptoms and delivery methods. However, the major difference that every patient undergoes is the fertilization process, the prescriptions during pregnancy, and the personalized recommendations.
On the other hand, women undergoing IVF should understand that every individual’s body is unique and responds differently according to the medications. It also suits the natural pregnancy too, some might sense excess vomiting, while others would experience less dizziness and nausea. So, IVF pregnancy may or may not vary, it depends on the individual health and lifestyle.
People also ask
Hormonal imbalances and lack of nutrition can severely affect the timing and success of conception in both in vitro fertilization and natural methods. That’s why consuming good foods should be a concern for everyone at every stage of life. Even now you can start having fertility-friendly foods to improve your overall and reproductive health.
In general, miscarriages happen due to the improper development of the unborn baby. Sources state that the miscarriage rate of IVF-ET is quite similar to a natural pregnancy. And mostly, it happens in the first trimester, which is the main reason doctors and elders advise pregnant women to be very careful and eat nutritious-rich foods.
There are no metrics like natural is the best or only IVF is the best. In vitro fertilization and other assisted reproductive technologies like IUI are some best alternatives for both women and men with serious fertility problems.