There are many issues that can cause infertility issues in both men and women. Hydrocele is one factor that can impact the male reproductive system and contribute to infertility.
Hydrocele is a condition that occurs when fluid accumulates in the scrotum that surrounds the testicles. It is more common in male infants than in adults. Studies show that hydroceles have an 80% in infants and a 20% chance in adult men.
In this article, we’ll discuss whether hydrocele causes infertility, its symptoms, and how it can be diagnosed. Read till the end to know more about hydroceles and their effect on male infertility.
Does hydrocele affect later fertility?
The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Hydrocele, on its own, does not cause infertility. However, the complications and conditions that may arise due to hydrocele can cause infertility.
Hydroceles are more common in male infants and disappear when they reach one year of age. It usually doesn’t need medical attention, but you might have to consult a fertility doctor if the swelling doesn’t disappear after a year.
Hydroceles can affect both teenagers and adult men, often resulting from inflammation or injury to the testicle.. This usually needs medical intervention to correct the issue.
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What Causes Hydrocele
Hydrocele is a swelling or lump that occurs when excess fluid accumulates in the scrotal sac. The testis is usually surrounded by a lubricating fluid that allows it to move around in the scrotum.
This fluid will be in a limited amount, and any excess fluid will be drained through the veins. If it doesn’t drain, the excess fluid can accumulate and cause swelling in the scrotum.
Types of Hydrocele
- Hydroceles are classified as either communicating or non-communicating, based on fluid movement between the abdomen and scrotum.
There are two main types of hydroceles: communicating and non-communicating hydroceles. As the name implies, they are classified based on their contact with the abdominal fluids that make up the fluid build-up in the hydroceles.
A communicating hydrocele usually occurs in infants. Here, the processus vaginalis, a thin membrane that separates the testicles from the abdominal cavity, does not form or is partially formed.
This allows the fluids in the abdomen to move freely into the scrotum and accumulate near the testicles. This can cause hydroceles. This condition can also cause a hernia if any of the abdominal organs slide through the opening and enter the scrotum.
Here, the abdominal fluids can move freely in and out of the scrotum. A hydrocele doesn’t have a fixed size and can vary throughout the day.
A non-communicating hydrocele is when the processus vaginalis closes, and there is no contact (communication) between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum.
This condition might occur if some fluid entered the scrotum when the membrane was still growing and hasn’t covered the scrotum yet.
Here, the abdominal fluid cannot move freely between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum. So, the hydrocele will be the same size throughout the treatment.
This condition is more common in infants and may also appear in some adult men for no apparent reason.
Symptoms of hydrocele
A hydrocele is mostly not painful and only causes minor discomfort. The main indication men need to look for in a hydrocele is the swelling they will get in the scrotum.
This might make one testicle feel and appear heavier than the other and can cause discomfort.
Sometimes, hydroceles can also cause infections, making the scrotum appear red and warm. They are also known to appear smaller in the morning and grow bigger in the evening.
Diagnosis of Hydrocele
- Hydroceles are diagnosed using transillumination, testicular mass assessment, and tests like blood, urine, or ultrasounds.
Doctors typically use several common methods to diagnose a hydrocele. These methods are simple and usually don’t need anesthesia or other medications.
Method 1: Transillumination
This procedure involves shining light through the surface of the scrotum. The male scrotum is a smooth and firm structure. If you pass light through one side, you can see the outline of the scrotum through its shadow.
Method 2: Testing testicular mass
The hydrocele will have some mass and will weigh down on the testicle. The doctor can also diagnose hydroceles by measuring testicular mess.
Method 3: Undergoing certain tests
Men can undergo blood or urine tests to diagnose infections that might have caused hydroceles. They can also undergo ultrasound scans to diagnose any swelling in the scrotum.
Hydrocele is a common condition that affects most male infants and grown men. They are usually asymptomatic and only cause minor discomfort. Men don’t need to worry whether they will cause infertility, Better know the other infertility signs.
Most hydroceles don’t cause major infertility issues. However, the complications that may arise due to the condition can affect infertility. It is best to visit a doctor and get it treated immediately to avoid further issues.
No, most hydroceles do not cause infertility. Studies have shown that hydroceles do not affect a man’s fertility. They are not a serious issue and usually disappear over time.
Yes, hydrocele can affect sperm by affecting sperm production (spermatogenesis). The fluid buildup in the scrotum increases the scrotal temperature. This can affect healthy sperm production and decrease sperm count, quality, and motility.
A hydrocele can affect men of any age. But the most common are male infants. These hydroceles are common and often disappear when the baby reaches one year of age. Teenage and adult men can also get hydroceles due to trauma or injury to one or both testicles.
Most hydroceles do not require treatment and disappear on their own after some time. However, if the hydrocele appeared due to injury or trauma in the scrotum, it is best to visit a doctor and get it treated immediately.
A hydrocele procedure is very simple and can be done as a daycare procedure. Patients will be given an anesthetic, and the fluids will be drained from the scrotum. This procedure is painless and very simple.