
Does IVF affect the mother’s health

Does IVF affect the mother’s health?

Yes. IVF treatment is a balancing act that involves many procedures, complications, and health issues for both the child and the mother. But for many couples who want to have their baby, IVF is a game-changer, even if it can feel like a big step. IVF provides an opportunity to fulfill your aspirations of parenting when natural options fail.

IVF may seem difficult, but it’s only a method to support nature when it needs it most. You’re not alone if you’re thinking about IVF; many people have done it with amazing outcomes. The goal of IVF is to transform obstacles into chances to start a family. This article will guide you on how to take preventive measures to avoid health issues in your IVF treatment.

What about the Woman’s Health after IVF?

Women may face several risks and challenges after completing their IVF treatment.
While the risks associated with IVF are comparatively low, there are some side effects that every woman undergoes during and after the IVF process. We may divide the effects of infertility treatment into two broad types. The first one is short-term physical effects that include common immediate effects and early pregnancy-related issues. The second one is long-term health considerations that include the physical and mental health of women. Specifically, women in different age groups may suffer different symptoms and effects. They are as follows:

Short-Term Physical Effects

Both the egg retrieval procedure and ongoing hormone therapy may cause adverse consequences in women following an IVF round. In the egg retrieval process, to gather eggs, a tiny needle is inserted into the vagina. The doctor removes the eggs from the follicles in both ovaries with a light suction, gathers them in a test tube, and then cryopreserves them. Hormonal injections are given to form mature eggs from the ovaries and also stimulate them to produce more than one egg simultaneously in one cycle. This kind of act may cause some effects during your IVF procedure, as follows:

Common Immediate Effects

  • You may have physical discomfort following your IVF operation, including extreme lower abdominal pain, bloating, vaginal discharge or spotting, constipation or sore breasts, mood fluctuations, and excessive fatigue.
  • Your ovaries swelling and leaking fluid can cause Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. The hormone injection that starts the ovulation process to create additional eggs is the source of this.
  • Numerous pregnancies could arise from the transfer of numerous embryos. Although having twins, triplets, and more is the greatest time in life, the mother’s and the baby’s health may be deteriorating.
  • Most IVF pregnant women may experience an ectopic pregnancy, which is a typical side effect. You can put the fertilised egg outside not inside the uterus, but in other locations, such as the fallopian tubes. This is not detectable in the early stages. However, if you are experiencing significant stomach pain and excessive bleeding, you may realize that something is wrong and that it is time to see the hospital. It can sometimes result in potentially fatal situations.
  • During the process, both the husband and wife may find it difficult to manage their emotions. The test reports, prescriptions, and final results might need to be crossed by both of them. Maintaining emotional equilibrium may be aided by mental toughness and professional counseling.

Early Pregnancy-Related Effects

During IVF treatment, some women may face early pregnancy issues, which are as follows:

  • Premature birth
    As embryo implantation and ovarian stimulation are done through various hormonal injections in the IVF process, it may lead women to have premature labour.
  • Low Birth Weight
    Women who conceive through artificial infertility methods are more likely to give birth to a baby with low weight compared to those who conceive naturally.
  • Congenital Diseases
    In vitro fertilisation has been linked with the following diseases that cause serious issues for the newborn baby:
      • 25% to 50% increased risk of birth defects
      • Several abnormalities in organ systems: cardiovascular (25%-40% of anomalies), genitourinary (10%-60%), gastrointestinal (10%-20%), and musculoskeletal (10%-35%).

Long-term Health Considerations

Physical Health:

A feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen is a common symptom that most women experience in IVF treatment. The gas in the intestines may be the reason for this bloating effect on women. In rare cases, bacterial infection may also caused during the egg retrieval procedure. Women may get an injury in the bladder or bowel, thus resulting in internal bleeding of the body.

Mental Health

Emotions are the first thing that causes hyper-feelings in women who undergo fertility treatment. In such cases, women may show happiness in one moment followed by anger or distress. They don’t know the reason, why they are behaving like this. The reason behind this is hormonal changes and various medications taken during the IVF process.

Specific Health Risks by Age Group

Under 25: High-quality eggs and a healthy ovarian reserve indicate optimal fertility. The ability to conceive can still be impacted by disorders including PCOS, lifestyle choices, and health practices.

Age 25-35: For most women, the 25–35 age range is the most fertile. Around age 32, fertility begins to modestly diminish, but most people in this age range still have a high chance of conceiving naturally.

Ages 35–40: Fertility decreases more quickly, and fewer, lower-quality eggs are produced. Genetic problems, pregnancy troubles, and infertility risks may all rise as a result. Although some people may require reproductive medications, natural conception is still possible.

Over 40: Natural conception becomes challenging due to a dramatic decline in fertility. IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies provide choices for motherhood, but there is an increased risk of problems and miscarriage.

Preventive Measures and Management

The precautions that should be taken before, during, and after the IVF treatment can be followed:

Before IVF:
Congratulations on taking the important step of deciding to do IVF! IVF preparation is often misunderstood, but your fertility doctor will help you navigate the process. The following easy exercises will help you become ready:

  • Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other necessary nutrients, along with modest amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Steer clear of mercury-rich fish.
  • Keep your BMI below 30 and control your weight with moderate activity.
  • Follow the instructions of your health care provider for taking vitamins or any medications. Avoid taking medicines that are not prescribed by your fertility doctor. You may face serious consequences after taking those pills without the knowledge of your doctor.
  • Steer clear of radiation exposure and intense heat treatments.
  • Reduce your regular intake of caffeine-containing drinks like coffee and give up alcohol.
  • Break off smoking and stay away from tobacco products.
  • Involve in activities such as meditation, reading books, and exercises that do not cause shortness of breath.

During IVF:

  • Stay hydrated drink a lot of water-content shakes, smoothies, and juices and eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid taking alcohol and tobacco completely. Don’t take more than one cup of coffee each day.
  • After speaking with your infertility specialist, continue with moderate activity. (what to expect with your consultation with doctor)
  • Before taking any new medications, consult your health care provider, and only take those that they have prescribed.

After IVF:

  • Continue eating fresh and homemade foods to maintain a healthy diet. Cautiously, avoid processed foods and those that are older than 12 hours.
  • To increase blood circulation, do simple workouts like yoga, breathing techniques, or walking.
  • Until the pregnancy is verified, refrain from lifting heavy objects for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid swimming and sunbathing to avoid becoming sick. Instead, take a shower.


For many couples, IVF can be life-changing and offers more advantages than disadvantages. Many people wonder, does IVF pregnancy feel different? It largely depends on individual experiences, but in most cases, IVF and natural pregnancies are quite similar. By understanding the procedure and being aware of any potential side effects, you can make informed decisions and take responsible care of your health during treatment. Additionally, understanding the risks allows you to work closely with your physician and take an active role in your IVF journey.


Can IVF cause long-term health issues?

In many case studies, researchers found some health problems related to premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects, and structural and functional abnormalities, which can be identified later in life.

What are the most common side effects experienced during IVF?

The common side effects that can be experienced during the IVF procedure include mild belly pain, bloating, upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Is IVF safe for mothers over 40?

Yes. It is safe for mothers over 40. However, the success rate may decline as age increases.

Can IVF treatments increase cancer risk?

There is no supportive evidence available till today that confirms the statement “ IVF treatment may increase the chances of cancer risk”.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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