
Egg Donation

Finding it hard to get pregnant with your own eggs? Don’t worry! Our donor egg program will help you get pregnant and have your own baby.

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What is Egg Donation?

Egg donation is the process where a fertile woman with high-quality eggs donates them to another woman. The woman can use these eggs (oocytes) to overcome her infertility and become pregnant.

Egg donation has been a blessing for many women who have had trouble conceiving due to low-quality eggs. It is basically recommended when a woman has low-quality eggs that are not suitable for fertilization.

Egg Donation Process

Sperm Selection​

At The Hive Fertility Centre, Dr. Niveditha follows a careful and extensive procedure to ensure that the donor and the eggs retrieved are unaffected by the procedure. Here is a step-by-step procedure she follows during egg retrieval from egg donors.

Ovarian stimulation

Before starting the procedure, the donors will be administered medication to stop their normal menstrual cycle. After that, they will be administered fertility medications to stimulate their ovaries to produce more mature eggs. 

Blood tests and ultrasounds

Donors will be regularly monitored to check if the eggs are responding to the fertility medications and growing properly. This involves blood tests and ultrasounds to monitor the development of egg follicles. 

Egg retrieval

When the egg follicles have reached the optimum size and are about to release the mature egg, they will be retrieved through a transvaginal ovarian aspiration. This procedrue is minimally invasive and will be over within 20 minutes. 

After egg retrieval

Egg retrieval is a minor procedure and does not have many side effects. However, some women might feel tired and might need to rest for some time after the procedure. 

Who are the egg donors?

Egg donors are young women who donate their eggs to other women whose eggs are not suitable for fertilization. These donors are healthy, fertile, and usually between 21 and 30 years of age.

Eligibility criteria for egg donors

  • The donor should be 21 to 30 years old.
  • She must have had a child previously.
  • Her hormone levels should be normal.
  • Her reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries) should be healthy without defects. 
  • She should pass all medical tests for general health.
  • She should not have any infectious illnesses like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and syphilis.
  • She should not have a family history of any medical or genetic conditions.

Note: An egg donor should not donate eggs more than six times. She will be counseled on the procedure and will be psychologically evaluated before starting the process.

Egg Donation Success Factors

Egg donation is usually recommended for women whose eggs are unable to get fertilized or develop till childbirth. So, the success rate of egg donation is comparatively lower than the success rate of IVF using their own eggs. 

However, for older women, IVF through donor eggs has a higher success rate than IVF with their own eggs. On average, the success rate through their own eggs is around 35–45%. Meanwhile, the success rate of arte through donor eggs is around 55–65%. 

The success of donor egg IVF also depends on other factors:

  • The quality of sperm
  • The mother should not have any other reproductive issues
  • There are no genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo.
Cervical Cancer Screening​


02. What are the disadvantages of egg donation?

Some complications of egg donation include bleeding, physical & emotional stress, injury to the blood vessels or bowels, infection, etc. It is best to discuss with the doctor and understand fully about the procedure before deciding to become a donor. 

03.How many eggs can a woman donate?

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, women can only donate their eggs for a maximum of six times. This restriction was brought forward to maintain the donor’s health and to prevent inadvertent consanguinity.

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