
exercise yo increases male fertiltiy -for-male-fertility

Exercise For Male Fertility

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle is the main factor that causes most of your fertility problems? Whether it is male or female fertility, not exercising and following an unhealthy lifestyle can decrease your fertility and make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

No matter how much you spend on male fertility treatments, unless you start modifying your lifestyle, you can’t reap its full benefits. In this article, we’ll look at some exercises that can improve male fertility and how it helps with sperm quality and production.

Exercises to Increase Sperm Count

There are many exercises that men can practice to improve their overall health and metabolism. But are there any specific exercises that can help with sperm production? Yes, there are. Below are some exercises that can help with sperm count and quality.

1. Weightlifting

Weightlifting is a great exercise for men to gain muscle and increase their size. But more than that, weight training has been shown to boost testosterone levels in men. This can increase sperm production and improve sperm health and quality.

2. Running

Running is an important exercise that helps you maintain healthy body fat, burn calories, and build muscle. And you know that obesity is one of the most important causes of infertility in men.

Running prevents obesity and releases the happy hormones dopamine and serotonin, which help reduce stress. A healthy body and relaxed mind is the powerhouse of healthy fertility.

3. Cycling

Most people won’t relate cycling to boosting male fertility. This is because too much cycling has been shown to reduce male fertility by increasing testicular temperature and affecting sperm production.

Though this fact is true, cycling for a few hours a week with breaks in between can reduce infertility risks. You can consult a fertility doctor and take the necessary precautions before you start your routine.

4. Yoga

Yoga is one of the best exercises you can practice to improve your mental and physical well-being. It improves blood circulation to the body (including reproductive organs), relieves stress, and reduces risks of anxiety and depression in men. This can improve your fertility and increase the quality and count of sperm.

Role of Exercise in Male Fertility

Exercise has both positive and negative roles on male fertility. It depends on how the exercises are being performed. Below are the positive and negative impacts one can get from exercising.

Positive impact

Studies have shown that men who do moderate exercise around three to five times a week have shown good improvement in their sperm quality and an increase in sperm count.

When done in moderation, the exercises we discussed above can positively impact male fertility.

Negative impact

As the saying goes, “Too much of anything is good for nothing.” Exercise can be good for your fertility, but doing too much can negatively impact your health and give you the opposite effect of what you want.

Consult with your fertility doctor or hire a fitness coach to draft an exercise plan that you can follow to improve your health and fertility.

The Best Time to Exercise for Maximum Benefits

Timing is crucial in exercise to reap its maximum benefits. The best time to exercise will be in the morning or early afternoon when testosterone levels will be high. This can help improve sperm quality and count.

Moderate exercises at the right time, accompanied by the right diet, can work wonders on your overall health and improve fertility. Just know when to stop, and don’t over-exert yourself.

How Long Does it Take to See Results from Exercise?

Exercise is not a short-term goal. It takes some time to show you the results. Patience and consistency are very important if you have chosen exercises as your primary method to improve your fertility.

As long as you continue exercising and follow a healthy lifestyle, you can see visible improvements within weeks or months.

When to Consult a Doctor About Low Sperm Count

You usually won’t know if you have problems with your sperm viscosity and sperm count unless you do a sperm analysis. However, there are some signs and symptoms that indicate male infertility and require immediate treatment.

  • You have been trying for a year and still can’t get your partner pregnant.
  • You have problems maintaining erections and ejaculations.
  • You have a painful ejaculation.

There are some signs of male infertility. Test your fertility at home or Consult a fertility doctor if you witness any of the above symptoms. 


Doing regular exercises is essential if you want to improve your fertility. Aside from improving fertility, it also helps improve overall health, reduce stress, and maintain a good state of mind.

If you have any concerns regarding your male fertility, ever worry about male infertility, Never anymore! With Dr.Niveditha, you can treat your infertility issue and achieve your dream of becoming a father.


Why does moderate exercise work for male fertility?

A healthy dose of moderate exercise a few days a week can help men improve their fertility by improving sperm production and increasing sperm count. It helps regulate testosterone in the body, decreases fat composition in the body, and reduces the risk of obesity.

What exercise is safe for sperm production?

Some moderate exercises, like running, cycling, strength training, etc., can help regulate testosterone levels and improve sperm production. This leads to an increase in sperm count and its quality. However, these exercises should be done in moderation, as over-exerting yourself can have the opposite effect

Which exercise is best for thick sperm?

Weight resistance (weightlifting) and cardiovascular exercises (running, cycling) are the best choices if you want to improve fertility and sperm production. You can also do yoga and other relaxation exercise to improve your physical and emotional well-being.

Does exercise increase male fertility?

Yes, studies have shown that exercises improve hormone levels and sperm production in men, thus improving their fertility. Physically active men have been shown to be more fertile and healthy compared to men leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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