
Fever After Embryo Transfer

Fever After Embryo Transfer

Are you suffering from fever after the IVF (In vitro fertilization) embryo transfer procedure? Do not fret. Encountering fever after embryo transfer is not an uncommon consequence.

You can address the fever using prescribed antibiotics. Just avoid over-the-counter medications to prevent harming the transferred embryo.

The following article will help you navigate through your period of fever after the embryo transfer process of IVF.

Feeling Feverish After Embryo Transfer Is It Normal?

Yes, it is completely normal to feel feverish and to experience sneezing or coughing when you have a fever after the embryo transfer procedure.

The feverish feeling you experience is due to the rise in body temperature, which is typically called the basal body temperature.

Your basal body temperature tends to increase even during the ovulation period of your menstrual cycle. So it must not be abnormal to feel feverish during your IVF treatment.

Causes of fever after embryo transfer

Factors that could instigate fever after an embryo transfer include:

  1. Progesterone hormone injections
  2. The embryo transfer procedure
  3. The transferred embryo
  4. Regular fever

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1. Progesterone Hormone Injections

Progesterone hormone injections are normally prescribed during IVF treatment. Progesterone is found to cause fever and other symptoms like headaches and vomiting in some women, making them to think how long they need to take it.

Fever caused by progesterone will subside within a few days and is not usually a cause for concern. Below are some others symptoms you will experience during embryo transfer

Click below to know more about Specific Symptoms

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2. The Embryo Transfer Procedure

In some women, the embryo transfer process itself would cause fever. In case some infection occurs due to the embryo transfer process, you might develop a fever.

You can approach your fertility specialist to get an antibiotic prescribe for the fever caused due to infection during the embryo transfer process.

3. The Transferred Embryo

There is a possibility for your body to preview the transferred embryo as a foreign particle. This could result in the attack of the embryo by the antibodies produced by the body, which will eventually result in a fever.

This phenomenon is called Immunological Implantation Dysfunction (IID) which should be immediately reported to the doctor as it can reduce the implantation rate of the embryo.

4. Regular Fever

Low immunity may also result in a fever during the embryo transfer period. Taking care of your physical health at any time is important and much more during the IVF treatment and pregnancy period.

Visit your fertility specialist in times of such fever and get an antibiotic prescribed. Avoid over-the-counter medicines at all costs.

Can I Take Paracetamol After Embryo Transfer?

No, do not take paracetamol or any over-the-counter medications during your IVF treatment or pregnancy without your gynecologist’s instruction.

You would have to avoid certain chemical components during your pregnancy. If the over-the-counter medications contain components that are harmful to your embryo, it will be a highly unfortunate occurrence. So, consult your doctor before taking any medication during your IVF treatment.

Is Fever a Positive or Negative sign?

Fever after embryo transfer procedure is more of a negative sign than a positive one. You have to check for Immunological Implantation Dysfunction (IID) to ensure that your transferred embryo is not getting attacked.

Fever could also indicate that your immune system is weak. Thus, fever is more of a negative sign than a positive one.

Fever and Chills After Embryo Transfer

Symptom Possible Causes Recommended Actions
Hormonal response, infection
Monitor temperature; consult your doctor if >100.4°F (38°C)
Body's response to fever, infection
Keep warm; stay hydrated
Usually brief, but monitor for persistence
Report any prolonged symptoms to a healthcare provider
Accompanying Symptoms
Severe abdominal pain, unusual discharge
Seek medical attention immediately

When to Visit a Doctor for Fever During IVF Treatment?

Visit a doctor immediately without hesitation if you encounter a fever during IVF treatment. It is not much to worry about to get a fever during the embryo transfer process. Nevertheless, it is wiser to consult a fertility healthcare professional and get the proper care and treatment for fever during IVF.

If your fever exceeds three days, consult your doctor as soon as possible.


Fever after embryo transfer thus could happen due to a poor immune system, Immunological Implantation Dysfunction (IID), or infection that occurred during the embryo transfer process.

Contact your fertility doctor and get your fever treated immediately. Also, avoid using over-the-counter medicines at all costs.

In case of worries regarding fever after embryo transfer, you can contact me at my clinic. We’ll help you sort out your post-embryo transfer issues.

We wish you a successful IVF journey!


elevated temperature after embryo transfer
An elevated temperature after an embryo transfer may occur due to hormonal changes in the body. If your temperature exceeds 100.4°F (38°C) or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation.
feeling body heat after embryo transfer
Feeling increased body heat after an embryo transfer can be a normal response to hormonal changes as the body adjusts. However, if this sensation persists or is accompanied by fever or other symptoms, it’s advisable to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance.
low grade fever after embryo transfer
A low-grade fever after embryo transfer can occur due to various reasons, including the body’s response to hormonal changes or the procedure itself. While it’s usually not a cause for concern, if the fever persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s important to consult your fertility specialist for guidance.
Does fever affect egg quality?

Fevers can disturb the timing of the menstrual cycle phases. Egg quality is affected only if hormonal imbalance or other factors happen.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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