
hot flashes after ivf transfer

Hot Flashes After IVF Transfer

IVF is the process that assists people in having a baby who has difficulties getting pregnant. Most of the women might notice different changes that happen to their body after embryo transfer during IVF. One of these changes may be the hot flashes. Hot flashes give one a sudden feeling of high temperature, and they are puzzling when one does not know what causes them. In this review, we will talk about what hot flashes are, and why they happen after embryo transfer and IVF.

What Are Hot Flashes?

A hot flash is a sudden feeling of warmth, often without any obvious source, over much of your body, especially the face, neck, and chest. You may even begin to sweat or your face might turn red. Your heartbeat may also speed up during hot flashes. Hot flashes can be brief, just a few seconds, or they might last several minutes. Finally, after the hot flash has ended, you might catch a chill because of the sweating that occurred.

Hot flashes usually affect only women who are undergoing menopause-a body stage where women cease to have menstrual flows. These flashes can, however, occur in any individual undergoing medication procedures such as IVF, where the hormonal constitutions change.

Are Hot Flashes Normal Following IVF Transfer?

Yes, hot flashes could be normal after embryo transfer in IVF. When you get an IVF treatment, the physician puts you on medications that will affect your hormones. Hormones are substances in the body that control lots of things, including how warm or cold you feel. These sudden alterations in the amount of these hormones after embryo transfer could probably heighten their onset and give hot flashes. This is especially common when you take extra hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, which often occur as part of the IVF process.

Causes of Hot Flashes following IVF Transfer

Hot flashes after IVF are due mainly to changes in your hormones. Let us look at the main reasons you may experience hot flashes after your IVF transfer.

1. Hormonal Medications

At IVF, you are on certain medications to set your body into pregnancy mode. Medications that alter your hormone levels, ensure that the embryo, when placed in your womb, comes as a welcome guest. One such hormone is progesterone, prescribed for many after the embryo transfer. This high level of progesterone keeps the basal body temperature higher than usual. This could contribute to the hot flashes. This sudden rise in estrogen and progesterone can then confuse your body, hence the reason you may be feeling these heat waves.

2. Body’s Heat Control

Usually, your body regulates its temperature through mechanisms that create a balance between feelings of hot and cold. However, with the sudden change in hormones, this system that regulates temperature gets affected. Since the body can overheat when the temperature is normal, that is why hot flashes may occur anytime without warning.

3. Stress and Anxiety

It is stressful, if nothing else, to undertake the IVF process. You’re waiting, you’re hoping this will finally work, and your body can react in ever so many ways when you are stressed-including hot flashes. Anxiety makes people feel hotter internally; their body reacts to it with a flush or simply to sweat.

Managing Hot Flashes post IVF Transfer.

If hot flashes arise after your IVF transfer, there are many easy things you can do to manage them and stay comfortable:

1. Keep Cool
When you feel a hot flash coming on, it is helpful to be in a cool room or have a fan nearby. One may also want to keep a cold cloth on the face or neck to help cool off quickly.

2. Dress in Light Clothes
Loose and light weight cotton clothing will help keep the body cool. Too tight clothes or heavy fabrics may increase the severity of the hot flashes because it will allow the heat to be trapped around the skin.

3. Stay Hydrated
Drinking lots of water can help your body cool down and not take on too much heat. You are losing water if you are sweating as part of a hot flash; you must drink extra water to replace this.

4. Steer clear of hot flash triggers
Certain things can trigger or make hot flashes worse: drinking coffee or tea, eating spicy food, and being in a warm room. Try to avoid these as much as possible if you are getting lots of hot flashes after your IVF transfer.

5. Relax
Perform deep breathing exercises or meditation that can help relax the body. This can help decrease stress, which, in turn, reduces anxiety-related hot flashes.

If these hot flashes bother you, speak to your doctor about them. There are other ways of dealing with hot flashes, which might include adjusting your medications.

Correlation between Hot Flashes and Success Rates of IVF

It just leads a lot of people to speculate whether this hot flash after an IVF transfer means the treatment worked or didn’t. The thing is, hot flashes just aren’t generally a good indicator one way or the other of the success of all things IVF. They only tend to be a side effect of the hormone changes brought on by medicines one takes.

Many women experience hot flashes post-embryo transfer; they can also occur independently of whether the IVF has been successful or not. So, if you happen to feel these hot flashes, that would not be something you should frown about regarding the outcome; you are simply readjusting your body to a new hormone level.


Hot flashes after embryo transfer with IVF are common and, in the main, nothing to be concerned about. They are due to the fluctuations in your hormone levels. Their management is simple: mainly staying cool and reducing stress. While hot flashes can make a woman feel uncomfortable, in most instances, they do not affect the success of an individual’s treatment with IVF.

As always, if concerned- more so about unusual symptoms would be best to speak with your fertility specialist to ensure all is as it should be.


For how long do the hot flashes last after IVF transfer?

Hot flashes after the IVF transfer may last for several weeks. They are usually due to medication hormones and will begin to subside as the body adjusts to them.

Can hot flashes affect the success of IVF?

No, hot flashes are not a factor in the outcome of IVF. They are side effects of an indicator that it worked or didn’t work. Many women have hot flashes and still have successful IVF outcomes.

What are some effective methods for managing hot flashes?

Hot flashes can be avoided by staying cool, wearing light clothes, and drinking water. Also, avoid triggers like caffeine, spicy food, and stress. Techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can help reduce hot flashes.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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