Convincing mothers is not an easy task, whether the baby is in the womb in front of their eyes. Yeah, because they just need reassurance that their little bundle is always safe and growing. Isn’t it true expectant moms? Indeed.
So, mom-to-be women, please! This article is exclusively for you, which helps you understand how you can know that your baby is developing normally in the womb.
Early Signs of Normal Development (Weeks 1-12)
Wondering what you should do after confirming pregnancy? If yes, this is for you. During the first trimester, it is very common to have a lot of doubts and misconceptions about pregnancy.
On the other hand, pregnant ladies will be excited to know about their unborn child’s development.
Fetal development
The first three months of gestation are quite important from the day of conception to 12 weeks. This is because the fertilized egg starts developing from a group of cells into a fetus, which forms human features.
Week 1 & 2: A woman’s body prepares for ovulation to get ready for fertilizing the eggs.
Week 3 to 4: The fertilized egg (i.e.) the embryo moves through the fallopian tubes and attaches to the uterus lining.
Then, the placenta starts growing in the uterus and the food and oxygen will be supplied to the baby through the umbilical cord. Early pregnancy symptoms during this time may include fatigue, mild cramping, and breast tenderness as hormonal changes take place.
Week 5 to 8: Your baby’s growth will be about one inch long and arms, legs, muscles, and skin are developed at this stage.
In addition, the neural tube including the spinal cord, brain, and neural tissues of CNS along with the head is developed fastly. Around week eight, most of the important organs will be formed, such as your baby’s eyes become visible. Some women may experience nausea, heightened sense of smell, and mood swings due to hormonal adjustments.
Week 9 to 12: This is the time your embryo becomes a fetus and you can sense a rapid baby growth and development. At the end of the 12th week, your unborn baby will have distinct facial features, limbs, bones, muscles, and sex. Symptoms like mild abdominal bloating, food aversions, and increased urination may continue as your body adapts to support the pregnancy.
Second Trimester Growth (Weeks 13-26)
According to pregnant ladies, the second trimester is considered the best part of gestation. It’s because of the reduced morning sickness and breast tenderness also starts easing. During this trimester, your baby starts to grow in weight and length.
Plus, it would be the most exciting phase as pregnant women are going to feel baby kicks and movements. Yeah, you’ll feel the movements, rolls, and kicks around 16 to 24 weeks.
Fetal Development
Week 13 to 16: The limbs will be fully developed from the webbed feet and more muscle tissues and bones will be developed. Many women experience an increase in energy, a noticeable “baby bump,” and reduced nausea.
Week 17 to 20: Flexing the little feet, your baby will start kicking you and rolling around in the womb. At this stage, the baby will measure 8 inches long and weigh about 8 ounces. You may also notice changes in your skin, such as a “pregnancy glow,” and feel occasional ligament stretching in your abdomen.
Week 21 to 24: Your baby now weighs 11 ounces, which is the size of a pomegranate. Heart, lungs kidneys will get stronger and your baby can taste some flavors. Around this time, you may experience symptoms like mild swelling in your ankles and feet and occasional backaches due to the growing uterus.
Week 25 & 26: Around 25 weeks, baby’s nostrils will be opened and body fat will be developed. And, they will be 14 inches long in size. Many women experience increased appetite, mild heartburn, and the occasional need for extra rest as the baby continues to grow rapidly.
Third Trimester Indicators (Weeks 27-40)
When it is 28 weeks, you’re officially entering the third trimester. Pregnant ladies can experience symptoms like acid reflux, shortness of breath, breast tenderness, difficulty sleeping, and increased vaginal discharge.
Fetal Development
The baby can see and hear your voice, and the fetus’s brain continues to develop. By the 36th week, the head drops into the pelvic area, which is called lightning which may relieve some pressure on the lungs but increase pressure on the bladder, leading to more frequent bathroom trips.
Between 38 and 40 weeks, the baby grows and matures steadily, preparing for birth. You may experience additional symptoms like Braxton Hicks contractions, increased lower back pain, and pelvic pressure as the body prepares for labor, which typically occurs between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.
Tests and Medical Monitoring for Reassurance
During gestation, regular tests and timely monitoring of the baby’s health conditions play crucial roles in ensuring the health of both mother and fetus.
Ultrasound tests, blood pressure checkups, blood tests, and HIV tests are common while testing pregnant ladies. When it comes to knowing about fetal health, you may need extra tests and scans.
- Fetal heart monitoring to identify the rhythm of your baby’s heartbeat.
- Nonstress tests that measure the fetal heart rate when the baby moves.
- The contraction stress test measures the baby’s heart rate with uterine contractions.
Symptoms indicating that the baby is not growing in the womb?
You can consider taking these tests to monitor your baby’s growth in the womb. On the other side, here are some symptoms that indicate your baby is not growing well in the womb.
Decreased or slow fetal movements, high blood pressure, or excessive swelling in the mother, which can sometimes signal growth issues. are the most important sign that you can easily find out your baby is unwell.
Some other symptoms can be only found while taking Antenatal tests, such as
- Ultrasound
- Blood tests
- Urine tests
- Fetal monitoring
Therefore, if doctors notice any abnormalities, then they will guide you on what to do and how to improve fetal development.
Tips for Supporting Healthy Baby Development
Another important risk is Fetal Growth Restriction, which means fetus growth will stop after a certain level. This condition slows down a baby’s growth, increases the chance of preterm delivery, and could even end with stillbirth.
You can reduce the risk of FGR by following better lifestyle habits. Follow these tips to support your baby’s health in the womb.
- Prenatal care, never miss any of the regular checkups and medicines.
- Add a required amount of nutrition such as folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and lean meat protein to your diet.
- Avoid harmful substances like drugs, alcohol, and cigars.
- Practice meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and follow a proper sleep cycle.
- Keep yourself hydrated and maintain a positive mindset.
- Engage in moderate physical activity like walking.
What to Do if You Have Concerns?
Still, haven’t got clarity on the baby’s development stages or what lifestyle changes are necessary. Then, it’s better to consider a doctor’s consultation.
You can ask about any of your concerns like what to eat and what to avoid to promote better fetal health. Make sure to visit the best hospital and avail their guidance to get successful pregnancy outcomes.
As a mom-to-be, one of the most common concerns is whether your baby is developing properly inside the womb or not. And this is completely normal because as moms, you’re taking extra care of them.
Whether it can be natural pregnancy or through ARTs like IVF, IUI, or ICSI, never skip any of the appointments. Regular and timely checkups can have so many benefits throughout the pregnancy, so don’t take any chances.
Have good hope and nurture a beautiful relationship with your baby.
A baby is expected to fully develop after reaching 37 weeks of pregnancy. You can consult the doctor and take sufficient scans needed to monitor the baby’s current health status and growth.
This helps you know that your baby is growing healthily in the womb.
A pregnant woman must take action immediately if she experiences any of these symptoms. It includes,
- Vaginal bleeding.
- Severe headaches along with blurred vision.
- Unbearable abdominal pain and severe fever.
- Decreased fetal movement even after trying stimulating ways.
- Breathing difficulties.
Some potential abnormal pregnancy symptoms indicate that your pregnancy is in danger and you need to consult the doctor immediately. They are,
- Urination problem, which means sensing a burning sensation or pain during urinating.
- Unusual swelling of fingers and face.
- Severe back pain and cramps.
- Signs of preterm delivery are also a concern, which include vaginal bleeding or spotting, abnormal fluid discharge, lower abdominal cramps, and regular contractions.