
How Many Days After IUI Should I Get My Period

How Many Days After IUI Should I Get My Period ?

The Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) process has been a beacon of hope to many couples who dream of becoming parents someday.

As you go through the IUI process you may face a rollercoaster of emotions. One thought that fuels such a rollercoaster of emotions is “Will my periods come or will it not?” This question sums up the hopes and anxieties you may encounter while undergoing the IUI treatment.

The success of IUI, IVF, and any fertility treatment is assessed by the missing menses. The onset of periods after IUI indicates the failure of the treatment. Nevertheless, you need not be too despondent as the fertility treatments even beyond their failures only increase your fertility level.

Periods After IUI

Possible Reasons for Delayed Periods

If the embryo fails to implant on the uterine wall, you will get your period 14 days after the IUI process. If your menses get delayed beyond 14 to 20 days after the IUI procedure, it is ideal to consult your fertility doctor.

A delayed period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant unless you get a positive pregnancy test result. So, consult your fertility doctor to diagnose the reason behind the delayed period.

Reasons that cause the delay in periods after an IUI procedure include:

  • Timing of the IUI treatment
  • IUI hormone medications
  • Stress
  • Ill health
  • Prior disrupted menstrual cycles

Timing of the IUI Treatment

The timing of the IUI treatment can cause early or delayed periods. If IUI is done around your ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, you may get your periods sooner. If not, it may take more than 14 days for the menses to begin.

IUI Hormone Medications

The hormonal imbalance caused by IUI hormone medications can delay your menses. You may not get your periods as long as your hormone levels are not optimal or stabilized.


The IUI period can cause you immense stress and anxiety which is not good for your health. You may hinder the embryo implantation process and have your periods postponed by worrying.

Ill Health

Though the IUI procedure can be taxing on your body it is advisable to maintain good bodily health. When your body is weak and malnourished your periods will get delayed.

Prior Disrupted Menstrual Cycles

If you have had irregular menstrual cycles before IUI treatment, it may continue after the procedure too. This can be a reason for the delay in your periods.

Is it Bad to Get No Periods After IUI?

It is not bad to get no periods after the IUI process. If you do not get your menses, it indicates that you are possibly pregnant.

But if you do not get your period even after a negative pregnancy result, it means that your period is delayed.

Consult your fertility doctor and wait for a few more days with patience to get your delayed periods. If the situation persists, ask our fertility specialist for medical assistance.

Symptoms to Expect After IUI

Some of the symptoms that you can expect after IUI that indicate pregnancy include:

  • Missed periods
  • Implantation spotting
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Mild abdominal cramps
  • Sore breasts, etc.

You can expect your periods if you do not experience any of these symptoms and test negative for pregnancy.

Sometimes you can be pregnant even without experiencing symptoms. So make sure to take a proper pregnancy test before confirming the success or failure of the IUI process.


In the confusing times of IUI, be sure to brace yourself with authentic information on the process and navigate through the results of the treatment with a strong mental disposition.

If you do not get your period and test positive for pregnancy, our merriest congratulations to you. If you do, do not lose heart, IUI and other fertility treatments still have the potential to fulfill your dreams of parenthood.

To know more about IUI and periods, consult a fertility specialist.


Can you get your period after IUI and still be pregnant?

The possibility of being pregnant after getting periods is nominal. If the bleeding is light and similar to spotting, it could be implantation spotting, indicating positive pregnancy. If you get a heavy discharge of blood, it indicates a negative pregnancy. Consult your fertility doctor immediately if you get periods after receiving a positive pregnancy test.

What to do after a failed IUI?

You can try for another cycle of IUI after a cycle of menstruation in case a cycle of IUI fails. You can also try IVF or other fertility treatments. Your fertility level increases with each fertility treatment. So do not worry if any fertility treatment fails. Repeated fertility treatments ensure a high pregnancy success rate.

How is the first period after IUI?

The first period after IUI can be dramatic, meaning it could be heavier or lighter with intense abdominal cramping. The duration of your periods may also vary. This is because your body has to readjust after the failed fertility treatment along with the stabilization of the hormone levels.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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