
how to increase blood flow to uterus after embryo transfer

How To Increase Blood Flow to Uterus After Embryo Transfer

Getting pregnant through ART doesn’t mean that there should be a hassle in taking your baby’s health into account. Successful pregnancy comes with successful implantation, considering the factors that involve fetal development.

In that case, patients should be aware of every hindrance to successful implantation. Guess what? One such significant complication is discussed here: the effects of decreased blood flow to the uterus. Keep exploring this blog and know why and how to increase blood flow to uterus after embryo transfer.

Why does Blood Flow matter after Embryo Transfer?

Every woman undergoing IVF will have a strong desire to witness successful pregnancy results. To achieve this, they should be determined to turn their weaknesses into strengths and never give any reason for negative pregnancy outcomes.

The thing is, decreased blood flow is an important reason for IVF failure after embryo transfer. So, try improving blood flow post-embryo transfer to improve the chances of a healthy and happy pregnancy.

This is the exact reason the blood flow to the uterus matters the most.

Signs of Good Uterine Blood Flow

So, I hope you understand the importance of uterine blood flow. 

But how can you identify if the blood flow to the uterus is good or not? 

We have a fix for that. 

A woman can evaluate her uterine blood flow status through some diagnostic tests, such as:

  • Doppler ultrasound
  • Transvaginal ultrasound 
  • Color Doppler imaging and
  • Assessment of endometrial thickness 

Before undergoing any fertility treatments, doctors will check your endometrial lining thickness and blood flow to the uterus.

The natural methods can measure this through:

  • Regular menstrual cycle. 
  • Intensity of blood flow during periods. 

Tips to Increase Blood Flow to the Uterus

After embryo transfer, patients need to ensure so many things to witness successful pregnancy outcomes. One among them is increasing the blood flow to the uterus.

During pregnancy, you need at least 70 ml of uterine blood supply per minute. So, if you’re trying for a baby or undergoing any fertility treatments and expecting positive results, you should consider following these tips.

Certainly, it will bring several changes in your body and improve the chances of pregnancy.

1. Body Movements and physical activities

Light exercise, such as walking and mild yoga, can improve blood flow throughout the body. Gentle movements can also greatly enhance blood flow to the uterus.

However, patients or women should avoid straining activities after embryo transfer. Therefore, don’t stress. Do physical activity and engage yourself more in physical activities.

2. Acupuncture

It is believed that acupuncture enhances overall hormone balance and increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system and helps to overcome conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and knee pain.

But is acupuncture safe after embryo transfer? Yeah, this is considered as safe and effective on or after the transfer process. Still, you can consult the doctor before going for an acupuncture treatment.

3. Good diet

Your body is indeed a reflection of what you eat, so consult your doctor for a more effective diet plan.

A few recommended foods we prefer for our patients:

  1. Lean meats Foods like chicken and beef are rich in high-quality protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and essential minerals, which support muscle repair, blood circulation, and reproductive health
  2. Plant-based proteins: Include cottage cheese, chickpeas, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds for a balanced intake of protein and nutrients.
  3. Complex carbohydrates: Whole grains, millet, fruits, vegetables, and legumes offer sustained energy and essential nutrients that promote overall health.
  4. Fibre-rich foods Oats, barley, berries, and leafy greens like spinach and fenugreek improve digestion and support hormonal balance.
  5. Intake a sufficient amount of calcium-rich foods, including dairy products and fortified plant-based milk.
  6. Add food items that are rich in protein, vitamin C, and iron, which improve the blood flow to the uterus.

Always consult a nutritionist or your fertility expert about specific dietary changes, especially after an embryo transfer, to ensure the best possible outcomes.

These items will undoubtedly improve blood flow to the uterus; however, doctors can provide personalised suggestions according to your body’s conditions.

4. Hydrate yourself

Another essential tip is keeping yourself hydrated. Try to be as cool as a cucumber even though you’re undergoing in vitro fertilization.

Because proper water supply to your body improves blood flow to the uterus. Other than normal water, you can include fresh fruit juices, coconut water, herbal teas, and vegetable soup or bone broth to provide sufficient nutrients.

5. Relaxation techniques

Other than food habits and diet, you should also include some better lifestyle practices and follow stress-reducing techniques.

Yes, doing yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mild physical activities like walking can have several benefits after embryo transfer.

Maintain your weight properly and avoid dietary habits that contribute to being overweight or underweight.

Final thoughts

Increased blood flow to the uterus after embryo transfer is undoubtedly essential for improving the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy. Incorporate light exercise, maintain a healthy diet, and follow the listed things to witness better results.

However, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new activity or treatment to determine whether it aligns with your specific health needs.


What is Uterine Blood Flow?

Uterine blood flow is the amount of blood that flows to the uterus and is the most important factor in fetal growth. During pregnancy, the blood flow to the uterus increases to support the baby’s health and development.

Does smoking affect uterine blood flow?

According to the research, smoking can have severe impacts on fertility, which makes conception difficult. In that case, smoking may affect the blood vessels, leading to decreased blood supply to the uterus.

Can stress affect uterine blood flow?

In general, not only after embryo transfer, stress severely affects the uterine blood flow without any time specifications. So, you can include stress management tips, prioritise sleep, and eat nutritious-rich foods to reduce stress effectively.

How long after embryo transfer should I need to focus on blood flow?

Consuming healthy foods throughout the IVF cycle is essential for better pregnancy outcomes. However, you need extra care and consciousness after undergoing embryo transfer.

In that case, you need to focus on increasing blood flow after embryo transfer. So, focus on the tips mentioned above and improve your health after embryo transfer.

What should a woman avoid after embryo transfer?

Patients must avoid certain activities post-ET; they are: 

  1. Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting.
  2. Processed and high-transfat foods. 
  3. Unpasteurised fruit juices and pineapple juice. 
  4. Hot baths and showers.
  5. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and other drugs. 
  6. Spicy and junk foods.
Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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