
How To Open Blocked Fallopian Tube Naturally

Blocked fallopian tubes can be a significant barrier to conception, creating challenges for couples trying to conceive. Traditionally, medical interventions have been the go-to solution for this issue.

However, some individuals are seeking natural methods to open blocked tubes and enhance fertility. How to open blocked fallopian tube naturally is a question many women ask, and some dietary changes and herbal remedies can potentially help in this regard. Keep exploring such natural approaches to unblock the tubes and promote overall reproductive health.

Natural ways to unblock the fallopian tubes

Quit smoking

Smoking and alcohol consumption can severely affect the reproductive health of a woman. Smoking increases the chances of ectopic pregnancies, which is a condition where embryos grow outside of the uterus in the fallopian tubes.

Cigars produce a substance known as cotinine that reduces the gene BAD production within the fallopian tube. This can promote ectopic pregnancies that scar and damage the fallopian tubes, resulting in blockages and infertility.

So, quitting smoking habits effectively helps to open the blocked fallopian tubes or at least reduce the damage.

Increase vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in various aspects of the blocked fallopian tubes and the overall health conditions. It can reduce inflammation, infection, and scar tissue development in the fallopian tubes.

Plus, antioxidants in vitamin C help to limit free radical damage to cells, enhance immune function, and aid in the production of protein collagen. A woman can include citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, and berries to increase the amount of vitamin C in their body.

Use turmeric

The chemical substances in turmeric known as curcumin that has strong antioxidant properties. Adding them in moderate amounts can reduce inflammation and might help to treat blocked fallopian tubes.

However, turmeric is a widely used ingredient in many culinary around the world just like Indian, so consuming homemade foods is more than enough to get curcumin. If you have some more doubts in your mind about turmeric intake, then you must consult the doctor.

Keep track of your stress levels

Some research suggests that chronic stress can have lasting effects on fertility and the fallopian tubes. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine advises some special activities to reduce stress levels. They are:

  • Practicing simple yoga
  • Meditation and visualization
  • Walking or hiking
  • Trying massage therapy
  • Reading thoughtful books
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Journaling

Along with this, you can include special exercises and try manual pelvic physical therapy. Because some sources state that manual pelvic physical therapy was successful in opening one or two tubes in 17 women out of 28 and 9 out of 17 women get optimal results through natural pregnancy.

Good lifestyle habits

Overall, healthy lifestyle habits can improve pregnancy outcomes and promote the well-being of an individual. Most importantly, cutting off tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs, and increasing the intake of healthy and organic items like herbs, turmeric, and vitamin-rich products can effectively unblock the fallopian tubes or reduce the damage because of this issue.

When to see a doctor?

No doubt that unblocking fallopian tubes naturally focuses on improving the overall reproductive health through lifestyle modifications, dietary concerns, and stress management. But, women should also understand when to visit the doctor, because you can’t surely say that organic ways only result in positive effects.

Therefore, if you witness chronic pelvic pain continuously and still, have difficulties in conception, then immediate doctor visits are mandatory. In addition, heavy or irregular bleeding indicates severe issues, so make sure to consult the doctor on time.

Other than this, you can visit a doctor to examine and identify the current status of the fallopian tubes. HSG or Hysterosalpingography provides the outline of the internal shape of the uterus and shows whether the tubes are blocked or not.

Some medical treatments

Here are some medical treatments that doctors prefer to unblock the tube if no organic methods are helpful.

Treatment for mild damage

When it is mild damage, your healthcare provider may do this procedure. Tubal cannulation is a non-surgical procedure, where doctors use laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to evaluate the fallopian tubes and remove the blockage.

According to the reports, tubal cannulation can unblock up to 85% of blocked fallopian tubes. Once the blockage is removed, you can expect to have a normal pregnancy naturally.

For severe treatments

Okay, but what if the blockage is severe? Is it possible to get pregnant under this condition? Yes, every woman gets the right to get pregnant through Artificial Fertility Treatments. Without the assistance of fallopian tubes, women can conceive with in vitro fertilization techniques.

In this treatment, doctors directly retrieve the eggs from the uterus and transfer them back into the uterus after fertilizing them in the laboratory. So, pregnancy is possible even without fallopian tubes through this advanced treatment.

Final verdict

In summary, while blocked fallopian tubes can complicate the journey to parenthood, several natural approaches may help improve fertility and promote the health of the reproductive system. Incorporating a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and utilizing herbal treatments can support the body’s healing.

As always, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment plan, ensuring that each step is safe and tailored to individual health needs.

Frequently asked questions

Do these natural treatments help to open blocked fallopian tubes?

Yes, of course. Natural treatments can effectively help you open the blocked fallopian tubes. However, consulting a healthcare provider to get personalized suggestions is highly preferable as their valuable advice can give you optimal solutions.

How long does it take to open the blockage through natural treatments?

For sure, these women can treat the fallopian tube blockage through natural methods. However, it could take a lot more time than medical treatments. Therefore, you can even consider consulting a fertility expert to be aware of such things in detail. They will guide you and even provide you with personalized suggestions on what to eat and what not to.

How to find out that I have a blocked fallopian tube?

Women who have blocked fallopian tubes can easily identify it through these symptoms, they are: 

  • Pelvic pain 
  • Painful intercourse 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Low back pain 
  • Fever 
  • Chronic pelvic pain 
  • Infertility, painful menstruation, and unusual discharge
Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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