
How To Reduce AMH Levels Naturally

How To Reduce AMH Levels Naturally

Trying to conceive too long, still didn’t get any good news? Then, take an AMH-level test. A simple blood test can show you the anti-mullerian hormone levels and variations in them can tell the reason why you can’t get pregnant.

Yes, high AMH levels can be an indicator of conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), that may impact fertility. Managing AMH levels is essential for fertility optimization and overall hormonal balance. Here’s an overview of how to reduce amh levels naturally.

AMH levels - an overview

Anti-mullerian hormone is a hormone that helps in the formation of reproductive hormones in both males and females and regulates the menstrual cycle in women. Yeah! AMH is present in both men and women but in contrast.

The anti-mullerian hormone levels change from birth to puberty. For men, this hormone will be high when they are born and in their childhood, which lasts till puberty. Once the adult male hormones and part develop, anti-mullerian hormone levels decrease.

It is exactly the opposite for females, AMH will gradually increase for girls from birth and peak around puberty. Then, it starts declining as per their age. Thus, women near their menopause stage will have much less of AMH levels in their bodies.

What is the optimal level of AMH to get pregnant?

Medical experts determine that certain levels of AMH are optimal for pregnancy, take a glance at the table below.

Level of AMH Status
Above 4.0 ng/ml
High (considered as PCOS)
1.5 to 4.0 ng/ml
Normal range
1.0 to 1.5 ng/ml
Low normal range (there are possibilities for normal pregnancy)
0.5 to 1.0 ng/ml
Less than 0.5 ng/ml
Very low

But how does it become a deciding factor in pregnancy? The levels of AMH directly reflect the women’s ovarian reserve, the possibility of conceiving is high when there are more eggs. That’s the exact reason for interlinking pregnancy and AMH.

If it is true, then why do high AMH levels need to be reduced? Why did many women look for natural ways to reduce AMH? Here are some valid points indicating the significance of reducing AMH levels naturally.

Why do AMH levels need to be reduced?

So, the reasons for high or increased levels of AMH are the only thing that makes many women seek solutions. Because elevated anti-mullerian hormones in a female’s body might indicate that she is having a polycystic ovarian disease, PCOD.

When a woman is diagnosed with PCOD, then she should understand that her ovaries (i.e., eggs) are not maturing properly and there could also be a struggle in regular release of eggs or for follicle rupture. So, she has more eggs, which is high ovarian reserve and her AMH levels are also increased.

is it possible to get pregnant with high AMH levels? Don’t worry, women with high AMH levels are also conceived naturally and with the help of IVF. Hence, pregnancy is not an achievable thing for such ladies, still, you can try these ways to reduce AMH levels naturally.

Different ways to reduce AMH levels

Consult your healthcare provider

Well, it may sound a bit weird. But the first step is consulting the doctor. Yes. A woman should understand her body condition first so that she can easily try the apt method to reduce AMH levels.

If you’re the one with PCOS or PCOD, then you must follow the tips to overcome this condition to gradually decrease the AMH levels. Therefore, visit the hospital on time, particularly if you trying for conception or struggling to conceive even after trying for months.

These tips will help you reduce the AMH levels if polycystic ovarian syndrome is the reason.

Maintain a balanced diet

Making your diet balanced is very important for regulating the hormone levels. Your plate must have protein, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies instead of desserts, trans fats, carbohydrates, sugary substances, and more.

Include non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, spinach, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, fennel, tomatoes, and beans with protein-rich items like chicken breast. Make yourself crave fresh fruits instead of sugary desserts and whole grains instead of packed chips.

Try workouts

Not everyone with PCOS and PCOD is obese, but there is a chance for excessive weight. Working out effectively can help to reduce weight as well as PCOS. Women can try all forms of exercise such as yoga, cardio, breathing exercises, and muscle strength activity to reduce weight. Other activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming and cycling can also be even funnier and make you happier while fixing your health.

Focus on reducing stress levels

Reducing stress levels may reduce AMH levels, you can try mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and prioritize good quality sleep. Yeah, 8 hours of sleep can reduce several problems in your body and support the most for regulating hormones. Avoid or limit caffeine if you’re a coffee or tea lover as the caffeine content is directly related to an increase in cortisol levels.

Hydrate yourself

Keeping yourself hydrated is mandatory to maintain good health, besides reducing PCOS symptoms and AMH levels. So, stay away from sodas, carbonated beverages, and other processed drinks. Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables puree, fruit salads, and fresh coconut water to packed or canned items to refresh.

Consider consuming supplements

Trying supplements is not a bad idea when the doctors or fertility experts suggest it. If this is your case, then you can try taking the prescribed supplements that are suggested as per your health condition. Because some women need vitamin D for glucose metabolism, increasing insulin sensitivity, etc, while others may need inositol.

In this case, the doctor’s advice is very crucial, so make sure to consume only prescribed medicines.

Wrapping Up

In the end, the anti-mullerian hormone is a key indicator of ovarian reserve that helps identify an individual’s fertilizing potential. Trying to maintain the AMH levels naturally is one of the best initiatives that women with PCOD or PCOS can make. As always, start with consulting your doctor and try these simple approaches to regulate the AMH levels.

People also ask

Can I consume hormonal birth control pills to reduce AMH?

Yes, consuming hormonal birth control pills can potentially reduce the anti-mullerian hormone levels. Some pills have severe effects, while some other birth control ways can also reduce the AMH levels.

A study says
1. Combines oral contraceptive pill reduces 23.7%
2. Progestin-only pill can reduce 14.8%

How to identify that my AMH levels are too high?

When you’re trying to conceive for a long time and can’t witness any optimal results, then it is essential to consult a doctor and take AMH tests. If you’re diagnosed with PCOS, then you might have an increased chance of high AMH levels. However, you can identify it by taking a simple blood test.

Will AMH levels drop quickly without following any tips?

A woman’s AMH levels will drop suddenly because of the natural factor of age. Other than this, without following any of the mentioned tips, reducing AMH levels is not possible. However, sudden drops in AMH levels can happen due to medical treatments like ovarian surgery, radiation treatment, or chemotherapy.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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