
Infertility Warning Signs

Infertility Warning Signs: Common Symptom

Infertility is when you cannot get pregnant after having unprotected, regular sex for six months to one year, depending on your age. Infertility depends on various factors and can affect men and women of any age group.

Most times, when a couple can’t have a baby, people think the problem is with the female partner. However, both male and female partners have equal chances of having infertility issues. They just don’t realize it until it is too late.

So, how can we overcome this issue? We can overcome it by seeking professional help when we notice some signs that can indicate infertility. This is why, to make things easier for you, we have discussed some warning signs that women and men can look out for if they feel like they have infertility. These signs can help them know when they should seek professional help.

Warning Signs in Women

Most women only notice their infertility when they are actively trying to get pregnant and not getting pregnant after 2 years of trying. This is when they realize they are infertile and seek medical help.

But there are some tell-tale signs that can show women that their fertility is decreasing, in that case you can get your fertility state checked at Home & Clinic also Below are some of the signs of female infertility that women should take note of.

Experiencing Heavy Periods or No Periods

Having irregular, no, or heavy periods is one of the most important signs of declining female fertility. This can be caused by hormonal imbalances or health conditions like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), endometriosis, etc. 

Irregular periods are prevalent in most women nowadays. The unhealthy lifestyle and sedentary lifestyle most women lead are some of its major causes. It is best to consult a fertility doctor when you experience these issues and get treated during the early stages.

Changes in sex drive and desire

A reduction in sex drive and desire is also one of the major warning signs of infertility. It is mainly caused by the hormonal changes that happen in your body.

Sudden, Severe Acne

Your acne is one of the most evident signs of hormonal changes in your body. If you experience sudden, severe acne, it is a sign that something is wrong with your body, and you need to get it checked. Acne is also a sign of PCOS, so don’t take it lightly.

Loss or thinning of hair

Infertility also causes excessive hair loss in women. Hair loss is a sign that you don’t have the necessary nutrients in your body. This can inadvertently affect your reproductive system and decrease your fertility.

Sudden weight gain or inability to lose weight

A sudden, unexpected weight gain and the inability to lose weight is also a sign of hormonal imbalance in your body. It is also a sign of PCOS. An increased weight gain can also make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

Whether you have PCOS or not, being overweight or obese can influence your hormones and decrease your chances of pregnancy. Even if you wish to undergo fertility treatments like IUI or IVF, your fertility doctor will first ask you to bring your weight to the optimum level before starting the treatments.

A sudden increase in darker growth of hair on the lips, chest, and chin

This sudden hair growth in unusual places like lips, chest, and chin is a significant sign of PCOS. PCOS causes small cysts to form in your ovaries that secrete excess male hormones, this can cause hair to grow on your body. The hair will also be thicker and darker than it usually grows in most women.

Warning Signs in Men

So far, we have seen some of the warning signs in women. But what about men? How can men identify whether they have infertility or not? Below are some warning signs that men can look out for if they feel like they might have infertility issues.

Small, firm testicles

The testicle is where sperm are produced and stored. So, the testicle’s health is very important to produce healthy sperm and maintain male fertility. Small and firm testicles won’t produce healthy sperm, which can affect fertilization and pregnancy rates.

Problems with erection and ejaculation.

Changes in hormones can cause premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. These two are very serious issues and can cause dissatisfaction and misunderstanding in a couple’s relationship.

They may be caused by previous injury or medical conditions. Men should seek a doctor immediately if they feel like they have these issues, as they can indicate infertility.

Changes in hair texture and facial and body hair growth

Infertility can affect the texture and growth rate of a man’s facial and body hair. This is caused by hormonal imbalance, as the body doesn’t secrete enough male hormones to facilitate hair growth. Men should see a doctor if they witness reduced hair growth in their face and body.

Changes in sexual desire

Infertility can also cause changes in a man’s sexual desire and make them feel less interested in intercourse. This is mainly caused by hormonal changes and improper function of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Pain or swelling in the testicles

Pain and swelling are not always a sign of infertility. They are usually caused by factors like infection, testicular torsion, or hernia. While these issues can be treated, constant pain in the testicles can reduce your sex drive and lower men’s interest in sexual intercourse. It is best to seek a doctor and get it treated.

What Causes Fertility Problems in Men?

The most common causes of infertility in men are:

  • Low sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology (shape),
  • Previous injuries or surgeries in the testicles,
  • Existing medical conditions,
  • Unhealthy habits, like smoking, alcohol, and drugs,
  • Increase in age.

When Should You See the Doctor?

So now you know some of the warning signs of both male and female infertility. You might be wondering when to see a fertility specialist. Remember that there is no specific time to see a fertility specialist and treat your infertility.

The right time is when you notice some of those warning signs and feel like you might have infertility. Consult a fertility doctor immediately and undergo the necessary treatments for your issue.


Infertility is a common issue that has been affecting millions of people, men and women alike, around the world. You don’t need to feel depressed if you have infertility. 

Technology has advanced, and there are several fertility specialists who can identify your issue and give you the right treatment for your issue. Don’t lose hope, and keep trying until you have your bundle of joy in your arms.


What are some common causes of female infertility?

Female infertility can be caused by a variety of reasons, including

  • PCOS,
  • Endometriosis,
  • Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes,
  • Uterine fibroids,
  • Malnutrition, etc.
Can infertility be cured?

In most cases, infertility can be treated, and couples can get pregnant after their treatments. But in some cases, women can’t get pregnant and must opt for third-party infertility treatment options like donor eggs/sperm or choose surrogacy to have their own child.

Can I still get pregnant if my husband is infertile?

Yes, women can get pregnant even if their partner is infertile. As long as the male partner produces even a small amount of sperm, they can choose fertility treatments like ICSI or IMSI to choose the best sperm for fertilization.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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