
Is it okay to eat spicy food during pregnancy

Is it okay to eat spicy food during pregnancy?

Pregnancy cravings are quite common during the gestational period. Particularly, craving for spicy food? Then, you might have heard “Congratulations, you’re gonna have a baby boy”. However, it is just a myth, don’t just believe such things blindly.

Similarly, there are dozens of myths and theories available about pregnancy cravings. However, you must concentrate on what you eat and the reason for cravings rather than focusing on these theories.

So, whether you can eat spicy food or not. Is it safe for the baby? This article gives you a detailed view of eating spicy foods during pregnancy. Let’s bust some myths and know why you crave spicy foods.

Is spicy food safe during pregnancy?

Yes, eating spicy foods during pregnancy is quite safe. But, make sure you eat in moderation. Because excessive intake of spicy foods can cause various changes in your body.

One thing that a pregnant woman can be happy about, spicy foods won’t impact the developing baby. It triggers unpleasant side effects like bloating, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, and indigestion.

On the whole, you can consider that eating spicy foods during pregnancy won’t affect the fetus’s growth but could cause some irrational side effects in the mother’s body.

Why am I craving spicy food during pregnancy?

The first and foremost thing to discuss about this topic is women’s spicy food cravings. Yeah, many women try many weird food combos to satisfy their cravings.

For example, some ladies get satisfied after an extremely sweet treat like ice cream, double-layered cake, or chocolates. While others crave spicy items or other weird combos like strawberry jam on burgers or ice cream with soy sauce.

But, why do pregnancy cravings happen? Have you ever thought about it? For sure, pregnant ladies would be. Plenty of reasons are available for pregnancy cravings such as hormonal changes, an increased sense of taste and smell, and even nutritional deficiencies.

Women who crave spicy foods may easily rely on fried items and pickles. But, make sure that you don’t overeat them as these items can increase the unwanted calories. Craving during pregnancy is quite common, the thing is you need to take care of yourself properly.

Effects of eating spicy food while pregnant

In general, consuming spicy foods can increase mucus production in the stomach, and the metabolic rates temporarily. These changes may result in stomach pain and cramping.

Plus, nausea and diarrhea could also happen after taking excessive amounts of spicy foods in your meal. So, what can you expect during the gestational period? Let’s be aware of them in the following lines.

Side effects according to trimesters

First Trimester: Eating spicy foods during the first trimester can aggravate morning sickness. If you already experience any severe symptoms of early pregnancy including nausea, then spicy foods can even make it worse.

Second and Third Trimester: Intake of spicy foods can increase the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux (GRED). Spicy foods induce heartburn due to uterus growth forces the stomach acid up into the esophagus.

It could cause nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence. As a pregnant woman, you can expect these symptoms after eating spicy foods during your pregnancy.

May trigger abdominal pain

Spicy foods could irritate your stomach and give a burning sensation during pregnancy. It may also create an impact on the baby’s future taste. So, make sure what you consume throughout your pregnancy.

Should I eat spicy food to induce labor?

No, eating spicy foods doesn’t induce labor. Some popular myths say eating spicy foods, walking, castor oil, red raspberry tea, and date can induce labor. But, it is not true.

The important reason behind this is, spicy items may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It could stimulate uterine contractions, but it won’t induce labor pain.

So, don’t panic. Spicy items can’t create any severe negative impact on pregnancy. These foods can provide some notable benefits too, let’s take a glance at them.

Benefits of Eating Spicy Food during Pregnancy

Consuming spicy foods boosts your immune system and might also lower bad cholesterol. Research says that these foods can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A pregnant woman’s diet may have a severe impact on a deciding child’s tastes. The flavors from the foods pass from mother to child through the amniotic fluid.

As a result, babies could like similar tastes in the future. Amniotic fluid also helps in growing the baby’s lungs, bone development, and digestive system properly. And is a protective cushion for babies, which also maintains a constant temperature in the mother’s womb.


Pregnancy might be the happiest, most confusing, yet anxious journey. Women almost doubt everything they eat and blame hormonal changes for every change in their bodies. Cravings are quite common, so there is nothing to be worried about.

If you crave spicy foods during pregnancy, then don’t worry, just consume a moderate amount to satisfy it. Consuming spicy foods in moderation prevents heartburn and doesn’t worsen early pregnancy symptoms.

So, be mindful while satisfying your food cravings during pregnancy.


What happens if I eat spicy food during pregnancy?

Eating spicy foods during the first trimester can worsen morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting. When it comes to the second and third trimester of pregnancy, consuming spicy foods can make the condition even worse.

Spicy foods can induce heartburn, forcing the stomach acid up to the esophagus. It increases the gastroesophageal reflux GERD. So, make sure you limit the spicy food intake to avoid uneasiness during pregnancy.

What spices should be avoided during pregnancy?

While limiting the spicy foods, pregnant ladies should also focus on some spices and completely avoid them from their daily diet. 


Side Effects 


Troubles your liver 


Overuse results in liver toxicity 


Excessive use can cause contractions 


Overuse may over-stimulate the womb during pregnancy


It causes miscarriage or premature labor 


Is spicy food bad when trying to get pregnant?

No evidence says that spicy food can negatively impact you when trying to conceive. But, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort to your body.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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