
Is It Possible to Get Pregnant with High AMH Levels

It’s undeniable that AMH levels are very crucial for optimal pregnancy outcomes and the success of ARTs. Because the levels of AMH indicate the number of eggs that are ovarian reserves in women, which helps to predict the possibility of pregnancy through natural or artificial ways.

So, which means high levels of AMH means a woman is having more eggs and chances of conception are too high. Can we consider it in that way? If it is true, then why is this question raised ” is it possible to get pregnant with high amh level?” Just go through this blog to be aware of some important points on why increased AMH levels don’t mean high chances of pregnancy.

Is pregnancy a dream for women with high AMH levels?

As stated earlier, pregnancy is possible with high anti-mullerian hormone levels, because it may indicate women with good ovarian reserve or PCOS too. So, according to the method of conception, a woman’s reproductive health, and other factors, the chances of pregnancy vary. In this case, you can’t firmly conclude that high AMH levels only give you bad results, however, what are the good AMH levels to get pregnant? Here it is!

What are the best AMH levels to get an optimal conception rate?

Anti-mullerian hormone levels between 1.0 to 3.0 ng per millilitre are considered an optimal range for good conception rates. This is a common range, but high AMH levels like 4.0 ng/ml are great if you’re undergoing IVF treatments. However, not every patient undergoing IVF has high or good levels of AMH, some might have low AMH.

Anyhow, pregnancy is almost possible for women with any level of AMH. But have you ever wondered why there are so many differences between AMH levels? Many factors contribute to such conditions, here is the list of reasons for high anti-mullerian hormone levels in women.

Reasons for high AMH levels in women

Anti-mullerian hormone is a glycoprotein that helps in assessing the ovarian reserve and fertility ability of a woman. Increased AMH levels can happen because of these reasons, which include:

Egg count

High anti-mullerian hormone levels indicate a substantial ovarian reserve and it is not correlated with the quality of the eggs. A woman’s egg quality is associated with other factors like reproductive health, age, hormone levels, chromosome abnormalities, genetics, and others. You can take transvaginal ultrasound and hormone testing to determine the egg quality.


Age and reproductive health are highly interrelated when a woman is younger, then she might have enhanced anti-mullerian hormone levels. However, this is not a reason to worry about, instead they can be happier. And such women don’t face any issues with conception.

PCOS and other Medical issues

One of the most noted and critical reasons for having elevated AMH levels in an individual’s body. In this instance, women need to take care of their health and ensure they don’t have any issues like PCOS at the right time.

Obesity, sudden weight gain, and irregular periods are some important symptoms of PCOS, women can be aware of this condition through these signs. Adding to this, underlying medical issues ovarian tumours can also be the reason for high AMH levels, so stay alert and be more conscious.


Stress can also affect the AMH levels indirectly, yes. Chronic stress levels may cause hormonal imbalance, which might result in increased AMH levels. To help maintain balance and potentially reduce AMH levels, try to stay calm under any high-pressure situations and practice simple tricks like counting backwards, drinking a glass of water, etc.

Keeping yourself as cool as a cucumber can effectively improve your life standards and overall health.

What treatment increases the chances of conception with high AMH levels?

Hope you understand the reasons contributing to increased AMH levels, now it’s time to be aware of some treatments. If you have high AMH levels, then there is a chance for PCOS, lifestyle modifications can make a huge difference.

Practice lifestyle modifications

  • Maintain a proper that is healthy Body Mass Index (BMI).
  • Keep yourself hydrated and concentrate on a balanced diet.
  • You can intake supplements if your healthcare provider prescribe any supplements.
  • Cut off or limit coffee and caffeine consumption and avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Reduce consuming refined products that affect your overall body weight and reproductive health.
  • Find different ideas to keep yourself out of stress and daily depression.

Women facing difficulties in having a baby can undergo fertility treatments and start a happy family. Consulting a healthcare provider is very important to undergo any type of ART.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies ARTs

In vitro fertilization is the one important fertility treatment that helps women with high AMH levels to get pregnant. It’s because the reason can be either PCOS or not, expert doctors can successfully do the follicular study and retrieve eggs to increase the chances of pregnancy.

In addition, it is a straight process of retrieving eggs directly from the uterus, so pregnancy rates will be high, especially, when a couple is young.

Winding Up

Coming to the conclusion, high AMH levels don’t always mean that you can’t get pregnant or any other serious conditions like PCOS, but there is a chance. So, consult a fertility specialist if you can’t get pregnant even after trying for a year or more than six months.

Their guidance and comprehensive evaluation help to treat the underlying issue and take timely action. Therefore, plan accordingly and act wisely to improve the conception rates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does high AMH levels always indicate PCOS?

Nope, high anti-mullerian hormone doesn’t always indicate that a woman is with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Because more follicles in your ovaries is one of the most important characteristics of PCOS. However, women who are not diagnosed with PCOS also have high AMH levels that are completely correlated with ovarian reserve.

What are the chances of IVF pregnancy with high AMH?

The chances of conception rates are optimal if a woman is having increased levels of anti-mullerian hormone. And it is not always the same in every case, some individuals face difficulties due to high AMH levels as their bodies have some other pregnancy-interrupting factors such as age, egg quality, and more. So, according to every patient, the results of in vitro fertilization vary.

Which is the worst condition: low AMH or high AMH?

To be honest, abnormalities in the levels of the anti-mullerian hormone are a concern. So focus on maintaining optimal levels of anti-mullerian hormone naturally and increase the chances of having a little one either naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies ARTs.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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