
IVF Success Rate by Age Chart

IVF Success Rate by Age Chart

The success rate of IVF is usually higher for women below 35. The success rate of the treatment begins to decrease eventually for ages above 35.

The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) in its 2021 preliminary data on the number of live births for every egg retrieval in the IVF process gave the following insights:

IVF Success Rate - Age Chart

The success rate of IVF is usually higher for women below 35. The success rate of the treatment begins to decrease eventually for ages above 35.

The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) in its 2021 preliminary data on the number of live births for every egg retrieval in the IVF process gave the following insights:

AGE LIVE BIRTHS (When all embryos were transferred)
Under age 35
Ages 35-37
Ages 38-40
Ages 41-42
Over age 42

In case of trying for pregnancy above 35 or 40 years of age, women can substitute their eggs with donor eggs from younger women whose egg quality would be better than theirs.

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How Does Age Impact the Success of IVF?

Several odds can impact the success of IVF, with age being a key factor. Age significantly influences various odds related to fertility, including:

  • Reduced egg quality.
  • Reduced egg quantity (Ovarian reserve).
  • Development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or other adverse health conditions.

Pregnancy at an older age is not only deemed harmful to the mother but also to the developing baby. However, one of the benefits of the IVF treatment is that older women can also successfully give birth to babies when they substitute their eggs with donor eggs from younger women in the IVF treatment.

IVF success rates under 35

The success rate of IVF for women under 35 is relatively higher than for other age groups. There is at least a 50% chance for women below 35 to successfully conceive in the first cycle of the IVF treatment.

Even when the first cycle fails the success of pregnancy in the subsequent IVF cycles is higher for women below 35, ensuring that IVF can be a go-to treatment for women of this age group to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

IVF Success Rates 35 to 37

The IVF success rate for the age group of women between 35 and 37 is moderately good but not as good as in the below-35 age group.

The live birth rate of this period is around 40% indicating the declining rate of success with the increase in age.

IVF Success Rates 38 to 40

The IVF success rate reduces to around 26 and 30% during this period. Repeated cycles of IVF may increase the chances of success by up to 40%.

IVF Success Rates Above 40

The success rate of IVF for women below 40 decreases to below 10% of live births even with repeated cycles. 

Taking into consideration the quality of eggs with the increase in age, it is advisable to use donor eggs for conception around this age instead of going with one’s eggs.

IVF Age Limit

The age limit for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be considered restrictive. Setting an age limit for IVF treatment aims to mitigate potential risks associated with pregnancy at older ages. Generally, 40 years is the maximum age limit for viable IVF treatment. Women over 40 may be advised to consider alternatives such as surrogacy, adoption, or donor eggs when planning to have children.

Success with IVF treatment can still be achieved through repeated cycles for women over 40. However, the health risks for both mother and baby increase with pregnancy at older ages


IVF is a great treatment in granting the wishes of many couples to have a baby. The treatment however is hugely dependent on the mother’s or woman’s age for success.

The treatment highly helps women below 35 to successfully achieve pregnancy beyond fertility hindrances. The success rate of the treatment begins to eventually decline above 35 years of age. By 40 years of age, it is advised to look for other alternatives to turn the dream of having a baby into a reality.

To know more about the role of age in successful IVF treatments, consult an IVF specialist.


Who can go for IVF treatment?

Couples suffering from male and/or female fertility factors hindrances in achieving pregnancy can go for IVF treatment.

Is IVF treatment costly?

The cost of IVF treatment differs based on the type of embryo transfer done and across different clinics or hospitals as well as based on what is included in the treatment package. In India, roughly 1 to 2 lakh rupees cost for a single cycle of IVF.

Can fertile women go for IVF?

Reproductively healthy women can go for IVF in case of their male partner’s fertility issues or if they plan to get pregnant at a later age.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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