Recently underwent embryo transfer and confused over what to do and what not to do to make the transfer successful?
Well, you have come to the right place. We provide you with a clear idea of things to follow after embryo transfer.
Drop your worries about bending or no bending, walking or no walking, sleeping or no sleeping. Follow what your expert fertility doctor says and have a successful pregnancy.
Would Bending Affect Implantation After Embryo Transfer?
- Bending does not necessarily affect embryo implantation, but it is advisable to avoid excessive bending to prevent discomfort after transfer.
Bending does not necessarily trouble embryo implantation. Yet, as a safe bet, it is better to avoid lots of bending.
It is not that you should stay rigid throughout your pregnancy. Be relaxed. Stay in a comfortable posture. Do things gently, avoiding abrupt and rapid activities.
All the while, also keep in mind not to bend over and over again, at least for a few days after embryo transfer. This may relieve any discomfort you feel after the transfer procedure.
All the Best for your IVF Journey !
Should I Take Complete Bed Rest After Embryo Transfer?
- Complete bed rest is not required after embryo transfer; instead, some initial bed rest in the first few days is recommended, but avoid prolonged periods of lying down.
There is no need for complete bed rest after embryo transfer. You could take bed rest in the initial few days after embryo transfer. However, stay away from lying in the bed for a longer period.
Not only is staying completely in bed harmful to your health, but it also decreases your activity level, leading to possible pregnancy complications in the future.
It is to be noted that pregnancy is not a sickness that demands complete bed rest. You just have to be kind to your body and mind during your pregnancy. A healthy body and mind lead to a highly successful pregnancy.
What are the Movements to Avoid After Embryo Transfer?
- Moderate movements are encouraged after embryo transfer, but certain activities should be avoided, such as strenuous physical activity, sleeping on your stomach, lifting heavy weights, intense exercise, and running up stairs.
You should always stay active in a healthy way through pregnancy and life. Moderate movements after embryo transfer are encouraged. Yet, if you’re having a doubt about straining about embryo transfer, there are certain movements that you should avoid to ensure a successful embryo implantation. They are:
- Strenuous Physical Activity
- Sleeping on Your Stomach
- Lifting Heavy Weights
- Exercise
- Running Up the Stairs
Strenuous Physical Activity
Involving in strenuous physical activity, be it at home, work, or anywhere else, can hurt your embryo implantation process.
Refrain from activities that demand a lot of energy.
Try to stay indoors during the first few days after embryo transfer if you know that going out can tire you out.
Also, keep your mind off from stress.
Sleeping On Your Stomach
There is no right position to sleep after having an embryo transfer. Yet, it is safer not to sleep on your stomach after embryo transfer. Sleeping on your stomach can cause discomfort in your abdominal area.
You can choose to sleep on your back with your legs elevated a little bit. It will increase the circulation of blood flow to the uterus and help in embryo implantation.
Lifting Heavy Weights
If you are used to lifting heavy weights regularly, avoid it during the period of embryo transfer and implantation.
Lifting heavy weights can exert pressure on your abdomen and uterus region and impede embryo implantation. So, refrain from lifting heavy weights around the embryo transfer period.
Moderate exercise is acceptable. But say goodbyes to jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, and other pressure-inducing exercises after embryo transfer.
It is better to rest your body during the days following embryo transfer. Exercising consumes a lot of energy and pressurizes your body.
Running Up The Stairs
Climbing up the stairs is fine. But avoid running up the stairs. Try spending less energy and inflicting less stress on your body.
Other Precautions to Boost Your Chances
The other precautionary steps to take to boost your chances of embryo implantation include:
- Eating a healthy diet
- Staying away from sexual intercourse
- Not skipping the prescribed fertility medication
- Avoiding public baths to prevent infection
- Taking plenty of fluids
Summing Up
Staying away from strenuous activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the bottom line for a successful embryo transfer.
Stay relaxed but be involved in light activities on the initial days after embryo transfer.
The kind of activities to do and not to do after embryo transfer also differ from one body kind to another. If you wish to know more about things to do to have a positive embryo transfer, contact a fertility doctor.
You can fold your legs after embryo transfer. Place your legs comfortably while sleeping. There is no hard and fast rule on how to position your legs to implant successfully.
Of course, you can walk after an embryo transfer. Walking enhances blood circulation. But avoid long and exhausting walks. Take regular and leisurely walks.
You can do light housework after an embryo transfer. Yet generally, it is good to avoid any straining housework, at least for the first few days after embryo transfer.
There is no conclusive scientific evidence that complete bed rest improves the success rate of embryo implantation. Listen to your body and rest in accordance. Neither stay completely immobile nor overactive. Just avoid strenuous activities.