
positive signs after embryo transfer

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer

The in vitro fertilization (IVF) process is quite a journey, isn’t it? The embryo transfer phase marks the end of the IVF process. But that is not the end of your pregnancy journey.

Your pregnancy begins when you test positive after the embryo transfer process. You will have to wait for at least 10 days before testing for pregnancy.

As you wait, certain symptoms can help you identify whether or not you are positive for pregnancy. But be aware that pregnancy symptoms can be a result of IVF medications too. And that you can still test positive for pregnancy without encountering any symptoms during the early pregnancy stage.

Success Symptoms After an Embryo Transfer

Some of the symptoms that you can look forward to that indicate a positive pregnancy include:
Symptom How It Feels
Breast tenderness
Soreness or sensitivity in the breasts, often described as a heavy or achy feeling.
An overwhelming sense of tiredness or lack of energy, making it difficult to perform daily tasks.
A queasy sensation in the stomach that may lead to vomiting, often occurring in the morning or after eating.
Intermenstrual bleeding
Light bleeding or spotting between menstrual cycles, which may feel like a lighter period.
A tight, painful sensation in the abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps but may vary in intensity.
Frequent urination
An increased need to urinate often, sometimes accompanied by a sense of urgency.
Vaginal discharge
Changes in vaginal discharge, which may feel wet or different in color and consistency.
A feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen, often accompanied by discomfort or tightness.
Mood swings
Emotional fluctuations, including irritability or heightened emotions, often without clear cause.
Throbbing or persistent pain in the head, which can vary in intensity and duration.
Few Positive signs after embryo transfer

Here is the few other symptoms listed below and also know more about each symptoms

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Spotting of Blood

Do not fret when you see light specks or spots of blood discharged through your vagina after embryo transfer.

Spotting of blood indicates that the embryo has etched itself into the uterine lining successfully. It is usually a light discharge of blood.

On the other hand, heavy discharge of blood is not a positive sign and should be medically intervened as soon as possible.

Abdominal Cramps

Abdominal cramps and a feeling of a tight stomach after successful embryo implantation are usually mild. It is similar to the cramps during menses.

If the cramps get severe and unbearable, consult your OB/GYN immediately.


Bloating of the abdomen can happen due to the embryo transfer procedure. It can also occur due to the rise in progesterone.

Include foods in your diet that will help relieve you of bloating. Consult your doctor if it is severe and obstructs your routine.

Sore Breasts

Sore breasts are characterized by the increased sensitivity of the breasts to touch and the sense of burning on the surface. Your breasts may also swell because of the play of hormones.


With your body changing due to IVF treatment and pregnancy, it is natural that you get tired easily. Pregnancy hormones also can cause increased tiredness during the early pregnancy period.

Take enough rest and eat an appropriate healthy diet to keep yourself healthy through pregnancy.

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge may increase due to the rise in progesterone levels. The discharge is usually watery, clear, or white. However, if you notice no white discharge after embryo transfer, it’s not necessarily a cause for concern. Every body reacts differently, and the absence of white discharge doesn’t indicate a problem.

If the discharge is yellow, green, and smelly, it could be an indicator of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). So consult your fertility doctor regarding it immediately.

Frequent Urge to Urinate

The increase in progesterone and hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone levels and blood due to IVF treatment can increase the urge to urinate frequently.

Do not hold your pee or drink less water as it can lead to the rise of UTIs.

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are misunderstood as fever. It indicates a sudden surge in the temperature of the body. Pregnancy hormones are responsible for hot flashes.


ausea is caused by pregnancy hormones too. Your senses get heightened and you may feel aversion toward certain foods and smells as well. Vomiting can also happen.


The fluctuations in hormones cause headaches. Drink plenty of water, avoid stress, and take enough rest to get relief from headaches.

Missed Period

If you have a regular menstrual cycle and miss your periods after the IVF treatment, it is a sign of positive pregnancy. IVF medications can postpone periods too. So, take a proper pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.

What if I Do Not Get Any Symptoms?

Experiencing pregnancy symptoms right after the IVF embryo transfer process is not mandatory. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms while others do not.

Experiencing pregnancy symptoms does not mean that the pregnancy treatment has been a success too. IVF medications can give rise to early pregnancy symptoms as well.

So, do not worry if you have been not experiencing any early pregnancy symptoms. You can still be pregnant without experiencing any symptoms.

When Should I Take My Pregnancy Test?

Taking a pregnancy test after two weeks of embryo transfer is widely recommended. This is because IVF hormone medications can yield false pregnancy results if taken immediately after the IVF process.

So wait for at least 10 days or until you miss your periods and then test for pregnancy.

Also, choose to test using medically verified tests such as blood or urine tests over DIY home pregnancy tests.


The period after the embryo transfer process can be difficult and make you grow impatient. You can also get confused by the different symptoms you encounter during this period.

Relax. Take a deep breath. Do not allow the symptoms or no symptoms to alarm you and take a pregnancy test after the two-week wait period.

In the meantime, if the symptoms are severe, make sure to consult your fertility doctor.

Wishing you a healthy and safe pregnancy!

To know more about the positive signs after an embryo transfer, contact a fertility specialist.


When do pregnancy symptoms occur?

You can experience pregnancy symptoms a few days after the embryo transfer process. This does not mean that the embryo has been implanted. Hormonal medications can cause the symptoms to occur.

How do I know if the embryo has been implanted?

Embryo implantation is known as implantation bleeding which is mild spotting of blood. However, not everyone experiences spotting to know that the embryo has been implanted. You should take a proper pregnancy test or ultrasound scan to know it.

Can I work after embryo implantation?

You can do your routine work. Avoid heavy lifting, running, and other rigorous activities and exercises.

Is bed rest needed after embryo transfer?

There is no need for complete bed rest. You can take bed rest if your body is too exhausted from the IVF treatment. Otherwise, you can continue your regular activities with no compulsion for total bed rest.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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