
Precautions after IVF Pregnancy

Precautions after IVF Pregnancy

Hurrah, it is a positive pregnancy result! Congratulations on your positive IVF pregnancy results.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has turned the dreams of millions of couples to have a baby into a reality. And you are indeed blessed to be one among them.

Now as much as you are excited about your positive IVF pregnancy result, you may also be wondering about how to carry yourself through the pregnancy journey. Just leave that part to us. We are here to help you be aware of the necessary precautions you must take after a positive IVF pregnancy result.

Precautions to Take After Positive IVF Pregnancy Results

Taking appropriate precautions after a positive pregnancy result is the wise thing you should do.

Pay much attention to your pregnancy journey as well as you paid for your IVF pregnancy treatment.

You can begin to take care of your IVF pregnancy by:

  • Eating an appropriate balanced diet 
  • Staying hydrated
  • Using prescribed folic acid supplements
  • Avoiding strenuous exercises
  • Avoiding intercourse
  • Not overlooking troubling symptoms
  • Avoiding harmful chemicals and heat
  • Avoiding stress
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Following the doctor’s prescription
  • Taking regular prenatal check-ups

An IVF Pregnancy Appropriate Diet

Eating a balanced and healthy diet ensures that you find enough strength to carry the pregnancy.

Avoid any kind of junk, fast or processed food. Take a nutritious diet that has adequate vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other micro and macronutrients.

Include whole grain and organic food products over refined and hybrid foods.

Hydration Matters

Staying hydrated is quite essential. Dehydration can cause constipation which can put unwanted pressure on the abdomen. So, drink an adequate amount of water every day.

Take Your Folic Acid Supplements Regularly

Folic acid helps very much in your fetus’s growth and pregnancy. So, if you are prescribed folic acid supplements by your OB/GYN make sure to take them without fail.

Say No to Strainful Physical Activities

You can do moderate exercises but avoid strenuous exercises or other hard physical activities at all costs. You can do gentle stretching and walking. Avoid lifting heavy objects and running. Stop doing any activity that exerts pressure on your abdomen or pelvis.

Avoid Intercourse for the Time Being

IVF pregnancy is a delicate journey. Since sexual intercourse can pressurize your abdominal and pelvic region make sure to stay away from sex until the pregnancy is safe.

Troubling Symptoms Are Not to Be Overlooked

As you embark on your pregnancy journey you may encounter some troubling symptoms. These symptoms could be concerning or have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Whatever may the symptom be, consult with your fertility doctor as early as possible. Light spotting, mild cramping, nausea, and so on are positive signs after embryo transfer but heavy bleeding and severe abdominal cramps are some serious symptoms you must look out for.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals and Heat

Chemicals used in garden pesticides, flame retardants, and so on can be harmful to pregnancy. Also, avoid taking hot baths during the early stage of IVF pregnancy.

No Stressing

Stress of any kind should be avoided. Alongside avoiding physical stress say no to mental stress as well. Surround yourself with optimistic thoughts and people. Focus your mind on things that make you happy and the well-being of your developing fetus.

Sleep to Destress

Sleep is a magic potion that can relieve your stress. Your body will also require much rest due to pregnancy changes. But you do not have to stay bedridden. Be active while also taking enough rest.

Follow the Doctor's Prescription

Follow the prescription of your fertility doctor accurately. If you have any trouble or doubt with your doctor’s prescription, clarify it and find an alternative prescription. Never ignore your doctor’s prescription regarding your pregnancy.

Prenatal Check-ups Are a Must

Do all the prenatal check-ups prescribed by your fertility doctor. This will help prevent any unnecessary issues that may lie ahead.

Do's and Don'ts After IVF

Do include a healthy diet
Do not stress
Do stay hydrated
Do not consume alcohol
Do take enough rest
Do not smoke
Do take the prescribed medications
Do not ignore troubling symptoms
Do follow your doctor’s prescriptions
Do not have sexual intercourse
Do prenatal checkups regularly
Do not do strenuous physical activities


IVF pregnancy can come with lots of doubts and worries. But do not fret. When you take the necessary precautions IVF pregnancy becomes as easy as a breeze.

In reality, IVF pregnancy is similar to normal pregnancy. Be worried only when you face troubling symptoms like heavy bleeding or severe abdominal pain.

Take appropriate precautions and have a safe pregnancy!

To know more about precautions to take after IVF pregnancy, consult a fertility specialist.


Is IVF pregnancy scary?

No, IVF pregnancy is not scary. It is similar to a normal pregnancy. Getting fertility treatment is different from actual pregnancy. So, you do not have to worry about IVF pregnancy being different.

Will stress affect my pregnancy?

Stress can affect your health which in turn can hurt your pregnancy. So, avoid stress of any kind during pregnancy.

What are the negative signs of pregnancy?

Heavy bleeding and severe abdominal pain are considered negative signs of pregnancy. Yet, ensure with your fertility doctor about any symptom you encounter during IVF pregnancy.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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