
Pregnancy Test After IUI

Pregnancy Test After IUI

Waiting to test for pregnancy after undergoing IUI? You might be holding onto hope and anticipating positive results. We wish you the same too!

However, as always, it is never good to haste things.

So slow down, take a deep breath, and wait just for 10 to 14 days before you test for pregnancy.

Yes, a two-week mark is the most commonly recommended period of waiting before testing for pregnancy after IUI.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test After IUI

You can take a pregnancy test after 14 days of the IUI procedure.

There is a possibility of receiving false results if you test for pregnancy before the two-week mark. This is because of the role of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormones that signify the presence or absence of pregnancy.

you can take pregnancy testafter 14 days

The level of hCG hormones in the blood or urine is usually tracked to confirm the status of pregnancy. For IUI treatment, you might have taken an ‘hCG trigger shot’ to enhance the chances of success.

During the initial days after IUI the level of hCG would be higher in the body. So when the test is taken a few days after IUI you may be misled to false positive results.

So it is best to wait for two weeks before taking a pregnancy test after IUI and also use medically recognized pregnancy tests for accurate results.

Why Wait for 14 Days Before Testing for Pregnancy?

To understand the waiting period mark it is essential to understand how IUI works.

First, ovulation is tracked or triggered and the sperm are placed inside the uterus. The sperm then fertilizes the egg coming from one of the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg takes from 6 to 12 days to reach the uterus.

On reaching the uterus the implantation process of the embryo begins. And only after that, the implanted embryo produces hCG to sustain the pregnancy.

So taking a pregnancy test 14 days after IUI will help track the increasing level of hCG due to successful embryo implantation.

How Early Can You Test Positive After IUI?

You can test positive for pregnancy as early as 10 days after IUI. But this depends upon the IUI process you undertook.

If you had done the IUI procedure on the day of ovulation, you can test for pregnancy 10 to 12 days after IUI.

If you had used the assistance of fertility medications such as hCG shots and did IUI after ovulation, it is better to wait for at least 14 days before testing.

How do I Know if My IUI is Successful?

Of course, you will miss your periods on the due day. Along with the absence of menses, you may encounter early pregnancy symptoms after iui such as

  • Implantation bleeding
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Mood swings, etc.

It is to be noted that not everyone experiences all the early pregnancy symptoms. Some may experience no symptoms at all and still be pregnant.

Sometimes, IUI hormone medication can cause mild early pregnancy symptoms without indicating actual pregnancy. Therefore, it’s important to take a proper pregnancy test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Once you confirm your pregnancy, your next step should be to visit your doctor for guidance on what to do next.


In short, for precise pregnancy results, test after 14 days of IUI.

Also, instead of relying on DIY home pregnancy tests it is recommended to go for blood tests that yield more error-free results.

Misleading pregnancy test results can be heartbreaking. So hold out for a few more days instead of giving in to your urge to test then and there.

Despite the results, we wish that your dreams of having a baby come true one day or the other. And ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), etc. have turned these dreams into a reality.

We believe in ART and we root for you too!


What does it mean to get a negative pregnancy test after IUI but no period?

In this case, you can wait for a few more days and test again for pregnancy. If the result is still negative, you can consult your healthcare provider regarding it. At times IUI medication and stress delay periods too.

Why should we take a blood test after 15 days of IUI?

The level of hCG is higher during the initial days after IUI which can result in false positives. After 15 days of IUI, it becomes easier to discern if the increased level of hCG is due to pregnancy and provide accurate pregnancy results.

Why do I get negative Hormone Pregnancy Test (HPT) results 15 days post IUI?

The hCG hormones take time to rise in level after the implantation process. At times even the implantation process takes up to 12 days after IUI. Thus, the lower levels of hCG after 15 days of IUI can lead to negative results. Wait a few more days for the hCG level to increase and test again. If you still get negative results, consult your fertility doctor.

Why do I get a negative Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT) result 21 days post-IUI and no period?

Progesterone medication for IUI may have caused the delay in periods. UPT is a reliable method to test for pregnancy. Still, you can go with a beta hCG blood test to confirm your pregnancy status.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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