
Sex Night before Embryo Transfer

For couples navigating fertility treatment, timed intercourse can be a significant emotional and physical challenge. As they face a complex mix of emotions, medical decisions and uncertainty, building a strong bond and support system between them is vital. They share a common concern about whether having sex before embryo transfer can affect the treatment outcomes.

Let’s explore this sensitive topic in depth to provide clarity and guidance for couples facing this dilemma.

The Question of Sex before Embryo Transfer

The night before your embryo transfer should be focused on relaxation and maintaining a calm state of mind, Having sex is a natural way to maintain their emotional bond and find comfort. However, despite the emotional benefits of intercourse, they fear that having sex before embryo transfer might interfere with or impact the treatment’s outcome, potentially creating further rifts in their relationship.

Sex before Embryo Transfer that affect your Fertility Treatment

Research on the impact of sex before embryo transfer on fertility treatment has yielded unclear results, leaving couples in a state of uncertainty. While some experts argue that having sex before embryo transfer can be beneficial, others advise avoiding sexual intercourse because it may cause uterine contractions that repel embryos. As the debate goes on, it is clear that individual factors and medical advice play a major role in determining the course of action. So, we can’t completely say that having sex before embryo transfer will affect your fertility treatment. There are some factors to consider about having intercourse before embryo transfer including:

  •     Uterine contractions and embryo repulsion
  •     Hormonal changes which can affect pregnancy
  •     Immune system response
  •     Emotional benefits that support the fertility journey

Pros of having Sex before Embryo Transfer

  1. Reduces stress: Sex helps alleviate fertility-related stress by releasing happiness hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins.
  2. Improves emotional connection: Oxytocin, the love hormone, released during sex, deepens the emotional bond between partners.
  3. Regulates hormones: sex can help regulate hormonal balance, including:
    • Oxytocin- promote love and bonding
    • Dopamine- cause pleasure and enhance the mood
    • Endorphins- natural pain killers that improve mood
    • Progesterone- prepares the uterus for implantation
    • estrogen- supports embryo growth
  1. Increases feelings of normalcy: Having sex before embryo transfer reconnects couples with the natural intimacy of conception, making the experience feel less clinical.
  2. Assists embryo development: Seminal plasma in semen helps prepare the uterus for embryo implantation by sending signaling agents for uterine receptivity, boosting pregnancy chances.

Cons of having Sex before Embryo Transfer

  1. Risk of infections: Sexual activity can introduce bacteria into the vagina leading to infections in the reproductive tract. This may increase the risk of embryo transfer and make it a complicated procedure.
  2. Uterine contractions: Orgasm released during sex stimulates a surge of oxytocin, leading to uterine contractions that are similar to those experienced during menstruation, often described as a mild cramping sensation. But a strong or prolonged contraction may repel the embryo after the embryo transfer procedure.
  3. Overstimulation: Overstimulation occurs when the uterus contracts frequently due to intense sexual activity. It can make the transfer of the embryo process a complicated one.
  4. Stress and anxiety: While sex typically reduces stress and brings pleasure, it can create stress and anxiety in some individuals due to high expectations or pressures to conceive.

Alternative Forms of Intimacy

Intimacy is something beyond sex; it’s about connecting with each other through gentle gestures like looking into each other’s eyes, cuddling, playful teasing, and sharing thoughts. Couples can consider alternative forms of intimacy as discussed as follows:

  •  Heartfelt connections: Spend time for each other, focus on developing affectionate relationships and conversations
  • Cuddling: Enjoy loving exchanges like gentle touching, hand-holding, leaning on each other, and soft cuddling, including tender gestures like cheek pats.
  • Massage: Give each other massages to promote muscle relaxation and enhance intimacy
  • Foreplay: Enjoy kissing, hugging and gentle foreplay without having intercourse.
  • Romantic activities: Create a romantic atmosphere by decorating your space with favourite things, using aroma diffusers to get a peace of mind, and engage in meaningful conversation with your partner. Enhance      intimacy with activities like candlelit dinners or cosy rides together.
  •  Soulful chats: Share common feelings, desires, dreams and emotions about having a baby. This emotional connection can help you both stay positive and supportive throughout your fertility journey.

Personal Decision-Making

Whether or not to have sex before embryo transfer is a personal decision of couples that depends on individuals’ health factors, medical considerations and personal values. The decision can greatly influence the treatment process, either positively by reducing stress and strengthening emotional connections, or negatively by disrupting hormonal imbalance and causing uterus contractions. 

By choosing wisely, couples can enhance their fertility treatment and increase their chance of successful pregnancy. You should place more focus on the time after the embryo transfer, Knowing what to do and what to avoid, as this plays a critical role in the success of your IVF treatment.


The impact of sex the night before embryo transfer on treatment success is inconclusive, and individual results may vary. While some studies suggest potential risks like overstimulation and uterine contractions, others find no significant effect. To maximise the chances of a successful transfer, consider your healthcare provider’s personalised guidance, and prioritise a relaxed and stress-free environment. Gentle intimacy, relaxation techniques, or abstaining from sex may be recommended. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your unique situation and medical advice.


What to do the night before embryo transfer?

The night before embryo transfer, stay hydrated, get a tight sleep, and eat a light dinner to prepare your body. Avoid stimulating substances like caffeine and alcohol to ensure a smooth transfer. Be relaxed and do some activities which calm your mind and prepare yourself with clinic guidelines.

Can having sex before embryo transfer affect the success of the procedure?

The impact is still unclear as it has both positive and negative side effects. The individual factors and advice of doctors should be considered.

Should we avoid sex entirely in the days leading up to the embryo transfer?

It depends on the individual’s choice, and some doctors advise restricting sex before 2-3 days of embryo transfer. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalised treatment procedures.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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