
Successful Pregnancy with Fibroids

Are fibroids a barrier to successful pregnancy? No, not always. Women can have a baby even if they are with fibroids. With advancements in prenatal care and better management of fibroids, many women have healthy deliveries.

But, first of all, do you know what exactly is fibroids? Let’s know completely about this in detail and be aware of the treatments in this article.

Achieving a Successful Pregnancy with Fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that are formed inside or on the uterus. These are large and cause severe stomach pain and heavy periods.

This condition is common in 20 to 70 percent of women and is developed during their reproductive years. So, the growth of excessive cells affects the uterine contractions, which are essential for giving birth to a baby.

There is a possibility that fibroids can block the birth canal and prevent vaginal delivery. As a result, they need to undergo C-Section.

That’s why achieving a successful pregnancy with fibroids is considered a huge complication for women with fibroids. However, there are different types of fibroid available, such as

Intramural fibroids

It develops within the uterus wall and can result in severe symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, cramps, and pressure around the organs they grow.

Subserosal fibroids

It is found on the outer surface of the uterus and grows outward. You can experience symptoms such as heaviness or fullness in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, bloating, pain during sex, lower back pain, and enlargement of the lower abdomen.

Pedunculated fibroids

This type of fibroid develops out of the uterus’s muscle and has typically round formations, which are attached to the uterus by a system called peduncle.

It is divided into two types such as submucosal fibroids and subserosal fibroids.

Submucosal fibroids: It grows directly under the uterus lining and extends into the uterus.
Subserosal fibroids: It grow outside the uterus wall.

Cramps, abdominal pain, pressure in the lower abdomen, and irregular bleeding are some of the notable symptoms of pedunculated fibroids.

Cervical fibroids

This is quite different from uterine fibroid because it grows near the cervical canal and is quite rare to occur. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain during intercourse, and pressure in the pelvic region are some of the symptoms of cervical fibroids.

Effect of pregnancy with fibroids

Fibroids can severely impact fertility as mentioned above, which is how different types of fibroids affect the uterus.

Does it mean pregnancy with fibroids is impossible? No, some women with fibroids don’t need any treatments for conception, they get pregnant naturally.

It has some severe impacts during pregnancy. That’s because fibroids need estrogen to grow and during gestation, the estrogen levels may increase. As a result, fibroids start growing severely, which increases pregnancy complications.

On the contrary, fibroids start shrinking during pregnancy for some women. A study shows around 79% of women with fibroids during pregnancy witness decreased size of fibroids after delivery.

So, it means you can consider fibroids react according to the body conditions of every individual.

Real-Life Examples

I’m Dr. Niveditha Amilthan, a fertility specialist, and this is the story of one of my patients. Over the years, I’ve helped many patients facing various challenges, and one common issue is fibroids. This is the story of my patient Komathi, from Rasipuram. After trying to conceive for over a year, she was diagnosed with fibroids, which left her feeling discouraged. However, after a successful IVF cycle, Komathi became pregnant. She remained proactive, attending regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to manage her symptoms. Komathi carried her baby to full term and safely delivered a healthy baby boy, proving that a positive outcome is possible, even with fibroids.

Treatment Options for Pregnant Women with Fibroids

Before knowing the treatments for pregnant women with fibroids, they need to undergo a proper diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Fibroid

Specialists do a pelvic examination to examine the condition, size, and form of the uterus. They also do imagining tests to identify the fibroids.

Doctors can identify the painless or irregular lump during a pelvic or abdominal examination, which is done to determine the uterus size.

Based on the symptoms, patients need to undergo blood tests. Healthcare providers will test the blood for Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, blood count, prolactin level, and thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Imaging tests including ultrasound scan, hysteroscopy, MRI, X-rays, and computed tomography help to identify women with fibroids even without experiencing a single symptom.


Treating fibroids during pregnancy is quite risky because it may affect the fetus in the womb. Healthcare providers suggest bed rest, and hydration and prescribe mild pain relievers to manage the fibroids symptoms.

Chances of Myomectomy

Rarely, do specialists perform myomectomy to remove the fibroids from the outside or from within the uterus. This might happen during the second half of the pregnancy.

However, fibroids that grow in the uterine cavity will not be treated as it can increase the risk to the baby.

Treatment before pregnancy

Managing fibroids before pregnancy increases the chance of healthier and safer deliveries. Doctors treat fibroids with these common treatments, which include

Myolysis: This is an advanced treatment, where doctors use an electric current, laser, or radio-frequency energy beam to remove the fibroids. This treatment shrinks the blood vessels that feed fibroids.

Myomectomy: This is a popular surgical treatment to remove fibroids. Make sure to undergo this procedure at least before trying three months of conception.

When to Seek Medical Attention

These are the signs that indicate you need to consult a doctor immediately. The symptoms are, 

  1. Persistent pelvic pain. 
  2. Painful or heavy periods. 
  3. Spotting or bleeding even though you’re not menstruating. 
  4. Difficulties in emptying the bladder. 
  5. Weakness and weariness.


A successful pregnancy with fibroids is not an impossible thing, you can achieve it with the right care. So, stay informed about your body and seek timely medical assistance to make your pregnancy successful even with fibroids.


Can a pregnancy survive with fibroids?

Many women with fibroids can have a healthy and safe pregnancy. But, the thing is fibroid’s size, location, and numbers can severely impact the pregnancy outcomes.

There is a chance for premature delivery or C-section delivery. Women with fibroids must take sufficient rest, and use heating pads or any other doctor-prescribed medication to avoid pain during pregnancy.

How can I stop fibroids from growing during pregnancy?

First of all, it’s quite important to understand that you can’t stop fibroids from growing during pregnancy. As researchers couldn’t sort out the exact reason for fibroids, it’s unable to prevent their growth. This may shrink or grow naturally during your gestation period.

Is normal delivery possible with fibroids?

Yes, women with fibroids can also give normal delivery through the vagina. Still, fibroids can increase the risk of C-section compared to pregnant ladies without fibroids. 

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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