Vomiting, nausea, and dizziness are some common during early pregnancy. But, is vomiting blood usual? No, it is a serious medical condition, hematemesis that requires immediate attention. It can cause dehydration, weight loss, and nutrient deficiencies.
Ignoring these signs can affect both mom and baby’s health. So, try consulting your doctor immediately and address the issues. Wait, how could you know that you have hematemesis? Is vomiting blood the only symptom? No, there are so many.
Keep exploring this blog and know about them in detail.
Is it Normal to Vomit Blood during Pregnancy?
No. Vomiting blood during pregnancy is not a common issue. Even a small amount of blood in vomit should require an immediate evaluation from the healthcare provider.
They will perform screening or diagnostic tests. Including blood tests, endoscopy, and imaging studies, which help to determine the underlying cause and exact treatment.
Causes of Vomiting Blood During Pregnancy
- Vomiting blood during pregnancy can indicate serious conditions like gastric ulcers and may present with symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath.
There is a medical term, Hematemesis that means vomiting blood. This condition happens due to internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract.
Likewise, there are some other causes for vomiting blood during pregnancy. This section elaborates on some potential reasons that contribute to Hematemesis.
Gastric Ulcer: Hormonal changes and increased pressure on the abdomen can cause a stomach ulcer. It leads to bleeding in the stomach, resulting in vomiting blood.
Esophageal Varices: Pregnancy-related changes in blood flow and increased pressure on blood vessels can cause esophageal varices that lead to vomiting blood.
Gastrointestinal Tract Rupture: As you know, frequent vomiting is quite common during pregnancy. It increases the pressure on the chest, abdomen, and esophagus.
This can rupture the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in blood vomiting. You may also experience severe chest pain, shortness of breath, and sweating.
Common causes of blood in your vomit
- Potential causes of vomiting blood during pregnancy include hormonal bleeding gum
Apart from hematemesis causes, these usual body conditions could also potentially contribute to vomiting blood. They are,
Bleeding Gums: During pregnancy, some women experience swollen and sore gums due to hormonal changes. These changes make the gums sensitive, resulting in bleeding.
Pregnant ladies can witness these symptoms, red gums, swollen or puffy gums, tender or inflamed gums, sensitivity while eating and drinking, and bad breath.
Mouth or throat irritation: When pregnant women witness a small bit of blood or dark and dried blood in the vomit, it could be from their throat or mouth.
Frequent vomiting can be the reason for mouth or throat irritation, which causes blood vomiting. If this is the case, then women can feel sore, swollen, and raw throat and mouth.
Esophageal tear or irritation: Alcohol misuse, high blood pressure, severe coughing, stomach infections, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, serious heartburn, and back pain are some symptoms of esophageal tear.
Vomiting during pregnancy is quite normal, which can irritate the lining of the esophagus. As a result, you can expect a small amount of dried blood while vomiting.
Morning sickness intensity: Extended morning sickness leads to esophagus inflammation. It may also be a reason for vomiting blood during pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms that accompany Blood Vomiting
Blood vomiting may affect your baby’s health if it is accompanied with these signs or symptoms. So, observe your body keenly and make sure you don’t experience any of these severe symptoms. If it happens, then an immediate gynecologist visit is mandatory.
The health complications are,
- Fast and shallow breathing.
- Cold or clammy skin.
- Not peeing enough, dark poop, or blood in the poop.
- Severe nausea.
- Lightheadedness and confusion.
Treatment of Vomiting Blood During Pregnancy
Visiting the gynecologist is important when there are any of the above-mentioned severe health complications. However, you can treat the normal vomiting and nausea symptoms during the early stage of pregnancy with these remedies.
- Instead of eating full stomach, try to eat several small meals a day.
- Stay away from greasy and spicy foods.
- Drink adequate water.
- Avoid processed and deep-fried items.
Can vomiting cause a miscarriage?
- Nausea and vomiting in the first trimester may reduce miscarriage risk by indicating healthy hormonal changes, but medical help should be sought if necessary.
Vomiting or vomiting blood could not cause miscarriages. Vomiting is a quite common in the early stages of pregnancy.
Some studies show that pregnant people with vomiting and nausea during the first trimester can reduce the risk of miscarriages.
It’s because nausea and vomiting are the result of pregnancy hormonal changes (HCG), which shows that a woman’s body is preparing for a healthy placenta development.
Therefore, vomiting could not be a reason for miscarriage. But, when you need medical assistance? Know about them in the following section.
When should I seek medical help?
Vomiting is undoubtedly a usual pregnancy sign, but you need to give special attention if you experience any of these severe signs. Connect with your fertility expert to address the problems immediately during pregnancy.
- Persistent vomiting.
- Severe abdominal pain.
- Changes in fetal movement.
- Dizziness or fainting.
- Rapid weight loss.
- Blurred vision.
Vomiting blood during pregnancy is a severe symptom that needs immediate attention and medical assistance. Everyone knows mothers won’t risk their child’s life. So, visit the doctor and treat the underlying issues to prevent severe complications like nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, and other gastrointestinal issues.
Is vomiting blood a sign of pregnancy loss or miscarriage?
No. Blood vomiting alone is not a sign of pregnancy loss or miscarriage. If pregnant ladies experience these symptoms along with vomiting blood, then they should be concerned. It includes,
- Heavy spotting and period-like bleeding.
- Vaginal discharge.
- Mild to severe back pain and a serious headache.
- Severe nausea and vomiting.
- Severe stomach cramps.
Can Morning Sickness Lead to Blood in Vomit?
There is a chance for blood in vomit due to morning sickness. Yes, continuous vomiting due to severe morning sickness may irritate your esophagus, throat, and mouth. As a result, you may witness a bit of blood in the vomit.
If this is the case, then pregnant women don’t want to worry. However, vomiting blood could indicate severe underlying health issues in the body. So, be sure to consult the gynecologist and address the problem immediately. If you are looking for a trusted gynecologist near Chennai, consider visiting Dr. Niveditha, one of the best gynecologists in Kolathur.
Does Vomiting Blood During Pregnancy Affect the Baby?
Some complications are associated with vomiting blood during pregnancy. It includes dehydration, weight loss, preterm labor, and nutritional deficiencies.
Therefore, these complications can affect the baby’s well-being and the mother’s health too. So, discuss it with your fertility expert and get appropriate treatments.