Many changes occur within your body during pregnancy. Your belly may grow a size every month due to adapting your unborn child and hormonal changes to make your foetus grow. Most of these are pretty normal, and you’ll support and love these changes. But it is far from the uncomfortable symptoms such as heartburn.
If you’re dealing with this condition, this article is for you. It’s a common issue that some pregnant women face from early pregnancy until delivery. It will be quite annoying and cause more discomfort due to its reflux reaction. Continue reading to know more about the causes and remedies for heartburn.
What is Heartburn?
Heartburn is generally the acid reflux of your stomach. Indigestion is the only reason that accompanies heartburn. It is a burning sensation that one can experience between the throat and chest.
It has absolutely no relation with heart issues; this is something one would sense only by relating the name given. The food that you take enters your stomach via the oesophagus. When this food that you have taken remains undigested in your stomach, acids that can form in your stomach will come up to your throat into the oesophagus, and thus a heart-burning sensation arises.
Not only do pregnant women have this feeling of heartburn sensation; even others also have this. However, pregnant women may have this more frequently due to the hormonal changes and the pressure given by the newly developed foetus in their belly. The space occupied by the unborn child raises pressure and causes acid reflux.
Is it Common to Have Heartburn?
Yes, it is a common thing to have heartburn during your pregnancy. You are not the only one who is experiencing the unknown symptom. If you ask your midwife or caretaker, they will tell you how common is for more people. Even your grandmother can experience this. Nearly 80% of pregnant women experience heartburn.
When will Heartburn Worsen?
During the third trimester of pregnancy, you may develop increased heartburn sensations because of the developed unborn child in your stomach. As it occupies more space in your stomach, it creates increased pressure on your digestion process and causes more refluxes than at any other time. You may experience this condition any time of the day. It may be early morning, afternoon, or even at midnight like how you feel hungry at any unsuitable time.
What does Heartburn feel like?
After eating your favourite food or any other food in pregnancy, you may have a burning sensation within 30 minutes to an hour after eating, but it can be delayed. During this time some may move around, bend over, lie down, or lift something, which can make the symptoms worse.
Common heartburn symptoms include:
- A burning feeling in your chest that may reach your throat.
- A sour or bitter taste in your throat.
- A bloated feeling in your stomach.
- Bringing up the food you’ve swallowed.
- Frequent burping.
- Nausea and vomiting
Usually, a burning sensation only gives an unpleasant feeling and discomfort rather than heavy pain. So, do not worry if you have this symptom because it is suppressed automatically.
What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?
In case your stomach irritates your stomach lining or gullet, you may get the symptoms of heartburn. This causes slight discomfort and a burning feeling.
When you’re pregnant, you’re more likely to have indigestion because of:
- hormonal changes
- the growing baby pressing on your stomach
- The muscles between your stomach and food pipe relax, letting stomach acid flow back up.
You may be more prone to indigestion during pregnancy if:
- You had indigestion during your pregnancy.
- You’re in the later stages of pregnancy, especially nearer to the delivery time.
Foods that Trigger Heartburn During Pregnancy
Certain meals frequently cause pregnancy heartburn. Lemon, tomatoes, and sauces with vinegar are also responsible for causing heartburn. Additionally, beverages like tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol may also be the reason for heartburn. Chocolate and fatty, fried foods slow down digestion, making reflux worse. Finally, spicy meals that contain hot pepper and chilli sauce slow down digestion and irritate the oesophagus. Avoiding these foods may lower the chances of heartburn.
Safest Methods for You and Your Baby to Treat Heartburn
Some safe methods are available to reduce the heartburn sensations that are described below to help you.
Medicines That Suppress Your Heartburn Symptoms
Antacids and alginates help to treat heartburn instantly. Even though it is available over-the-counter, you must consult your healthcare provider before consuming it. Some antacids may not be recommended to take during pregnancy. You must be careful in considering medicines to intake for heartburn.
Natural Remedies To Reduce Your Heartburn Symptoms
Drinking lukewarm water is the simplest way to treat heartburn, which is the safest method without having any side effects. Always try to consume lukewarm water when you are eating rather than normal water. When you have warm water while eating, it suppresses the acid refluxes and makes your belly more comfortable.
Preventive Measures
Simple changes in your eating and sleeping habits may help to prevent heartburn sensations as follows:
- Don’t drink too much water when you are eating. Just have a few sips of lukewarm water and after half an hour, consume some amount of lukewarm water to make yourself comfortable.
- Avoid eating until your stomach is full instead splitting the meals for the day and consuming them four to five times is good for your stomach. You are not expected to strictly follow the three-meal-a-day chart.
- Avoid gulping down all the foods you have on your plate; chew and eat slowly to grind the food completely.
- Try not to eat oily or acidic foods that cause discomfort for you, especially in the evening and nighttime.
- Don’t go to bed right after consuming your food either in the daytime or at night. While sleeping, keep your head slightly elevated to prevent acid reflux.
In conclusion, consult your healthcare provider if there is no use for over-the-counter medications and home remedies. Sometimes heartburn is accompanied by preeclampsia, which causes a sudden rise in blood pressure. So, don’t take these symptoms as common; if you have a swollen face, leg, or any other discomfort along with heartburn, visit your doctor and get the right medicine to get rid of heartburn or any other issues.