
What Happens to Your Body After Embryo Implantation?

What Happens to Your Body After Embryo Implantation?

Embryo transfer is the turning point on a fertility journey as it is the final step of in vitro fertilization. Every woman undergoing IVF will be eager to know what just happens right after embryo transfer.

Aren’t you? For sure, you would be. This blog explains the hormonal changes and day-by-day implantation process after embryo transfer. So, don’t miss it, explore and get clarity about successful ET symptoms.

The Implantation Process (Day-by-Day)

Does the implantation process start as soon as the embryo transfers? No, patients need to wait at least three days to notice changes in their body post-transfer.

First, let’s know about the physical and hormonal changes that take place if the implantation and transfer is successful.

Physical Changes & Symptoms

Once the embryo is successfully implanted into a woman’s uterus, your body starts preparing to hold the fetus. And, expectant mothers will experience early pregnancy symptoms.

It includes breast tenderness, abdominal pain, nipple hypersensitivity, increased body temperature, cramps, light spotting, and frequent urination.

Hormonal Changes

When the embryo transfer is successful, a woman’s body starts secreting HCG (pregnancy) hormones to support the little one’s growth.

As a result, patients can experience changes in vaginal discharge and absence of menstruation. But, what happens right after the embryo transfers to implantation? This is a common question that every eager woman asks post ET.

So, let’s know about the day-by-day implantation process.

Day-by-Day symptoms after Embryo Transfer

This is a list with Day-by-Day  symptoms after ET, but don’t panic if you don’t experience any of these symptoms.

Because every individual’s body is different and particularly, the responses during pregnancy change according to their lifestyle choices and habits.

Day 1 to 4: After ET, patients can expect the implantation success from day 1 to 4. They can notice small spotting of blood on their underwear, which could be the sign of successful implantation. Women can also experience mild cramps. 

Day 5 & 6: Day 5 is considered as average, because implantation can be successful during this period and you can expect a heaviness in your lower abdomen. On the 6th day, you can feel extremely tired and fatigued. 

Day 7 to 9: The implanted embryo starts forming into the placenta after 7 days of embryo transfer. Pregnant women can experience sore nipples, headaches, bloating, nausea, and mild bleeding. 

Day 10 to 12: Development of placenta will be quite faster and your body starts preparing for pregnancy. After 10 days, you can experience increased hunger, thirst, and mood swings. 

Day 13 & 14: This is the right time to take pregnancy tests. You are near the end of the waiting time (two weeks) after ET. Your body starts producing more pregnancy hormones and you can witness nausea, increase fatigue, etc. 

21 days post ET: This is the third week after embryo transfer. If the implantation is successful, your progesterone and estrogen levels start shifting. 

And then, your body starts experiencing morning sickness, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, increased size of breasts and tenderness, vomiting, and other early symptoms.

What happens to your body if embryo transfer is successful?

Implantation is the only thing that you can expect from embryo transfer success. Women undergoing IVF start witnessing significant changes in their bodies. Some ladies might faint and start feeling dizzy, while others feel sore breasts and frequent urination.

Are you experiencing this after embryo transfer? Then, congrats. It’s going to be your little girl or boy within 10 months. Yes, if the embryo transfer is successful, then implantation can be.

Wait, hold on! Don’t celebrate it too early, because the implantation can take place even for the case of ectopic pregnancy.

So, after a two-week wait time, don’t just stop by taking a pregnancy test at home, make sure to consult your fertility expert to examine your health.

What happens to your body if embryo transfer failure?

Failed embryo transfer means implantation doesn’t take place, indicating your body isn’t prepared or has unfavorable conditions for pregnancy. Patients can notice these symptoms if the embryo transfer is failed,

  • Negative pregnancy tests.
  • No implantation bleeding.
  • You can’t witness any of these early pregnancy symptoms.
  • Menstrual cycle begins (periods).
  • No activity is recorded during an ultrasound scan.

These things can happen due to hormonal imbalances, uterine or tubal normalities, chromosomal or genetic problems, and poor lifestyle habits like smoking, irregular sleeping habits, alcohol, and stress.

However, don’t lose hope if your embryo transfer fails, because you can undergo up to 4 to 6 IVF cycles. Consult your fertility expert and seek emotional support to cope with your loss.

In rare cases, there is a chance for successful pregnancy even without any successful implantation symptoms. So, it’s better to take a pregnancy test rather than confirming the results by yourself.

Tips for Supporting Your Body After Embryo Implantation

Every woman undergoing IVF will surely hold the dream of becoming a lovely and happy mother. If this is your goal too, then you can achieve it through these tips supporting implantation post ET.


  1. Follow a nutritious diet, including all pregnancy- and fertility-friendly foods.
  2. Surround yourself with positive thoughts and spend quality time.
  3. Do gentle exercise; you can walk, do prenatal yoga, and reduce stress.
  4. Keep yourself hydrated and get sufficient sleep every day.
  5. Follow the prescribed medications without fail.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids, including coconut water, fresh fruit juices, etc.
  7. Rest on the transfer day and delay the bowel movement as it can strain your pelvic area.


  1. Avoid taking excessive amounts of caffeine and stop habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, and using drugs.
  2. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and don’t rest too much, try to stay active.
  3. Never lift heavy objects and don’t involve in strenuous household chores after transfer.
  4. Don’t have sexual intercourse post embryo transfer that can severely affect your conception.
  5. Limit the intake of sugar, salt, and spice in your daily diet.
  6. Don’t ignore troubling symptoms like severe cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  7. Never take a pregnancy test right after transfer, you will be disappointed with the negative results, because still the implantation didn’t take place.
  8. Trust your fertility doctor and stop googling your doubts.


There is an important thing to know. Around 10 to 15% of women don’t experience any of these symptoms after ET. If this is your case, don’t panic and never confirm anything by yourself. Consult your fertility specialist to be aware of your exact health conditions.

In addition, you must visit the hospital even if you get a positive pregnancy result to reconfirm it from the expert’s side. Have a happy and safe IVF pregnancy journey.


What happens to the body immediately after implantation?

If implantation takes place, the biological process begins. The cells continue to divide and some cells develop into the body, while others form the placenta.

Your body will release hormones to support the baby’s growth to make the environment a great place to grow.

How do you feel after embryo implantation?

After implantation, you can notice light spotting and mild cramps. This may frighten the first time moms, but there is nothing to worry about. So, you can expect mild cramps and light spotting.

What will be happening in your body post embryo transfer?

After embryo transfer you can expect both implantation success and failure. Yes, it’s a harsh truth that every IVF patient must accept. There is a possibility for success and if it happens you can sense early pregnancy signs.

What should I experience 3 days after embryo transfer?

The patient’s abdomen pulls, vaginal discharge increases, and the head hurts after the 3rd day of embryo transfer.

Is walking ok after embryo transfer?

Walking after embryo transfer is really a great activity and makes you feel relaxed while undergoing this anxious procedure.

How to increase embryo transfer success?

Make sure you follow the listed dos and don’ts that are mandatory to improve the success of embryo transfer. In common, you must include a balanced diet with a lot of fiber, protein, folate, vitamin C and E, and other nutrients.

Is it OK to do housework after embryo transfer?

You must avoid heavy chores and strenuous activities like carrying a big vessel, lifting heavy objects, and performing strenuous exercise.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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