
What is the next step after IUI fails

What Is The Next Step After IUI Fails?

IUI has been a beacon of hope for most couples suffering from infertility. It is one of the most successful fertility treatments with a considerably high success rate.

However, there are chances IUI might fail for you. IUI failure can be devastating and can make you feel like giving up hope in the treatment. In such cases, it is better to discuss with your doctor and determine the next steps to having a healthy baby.

In this article, we will discuss some alternative options you can opt for if you have an IUI failure.

What Is The Next Step After IUI Fails?

IUI failure is not the end of your fertility journey. There are numerous alternative methods you can follow to make your dreams of parenthood come true. Below are the next steps you can follow after experiencing a failed IUI.

Try Another Round Of IUI

Remember, IUI failure is normal and happens in many cases. According to studies, women need an average of 3 to 4 cycles to successfully get pregnant through IUI.

So, if you have only undergone 1 or 2 IUI cycles, don’t give up. You can discuss it with your doctor and undergo IUI again. This can increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy.

You need to first identify your IUI failure reasons and rectify them. Understanding why your IUI failed and resolving the issue can significantly increase your chances of success.

Also, the success rates of IUI fertility treatments tend to increase as the number of cycles increases. So, you will definitely have a higher success rate in the next cycle than your previous one.

This method is recommended when your doctors have identified the issue and treated it. If you are not sure about repeating IUI and wish for a more effective fertility treatment option, below are some of them.

Move On To IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is another fertility treatment, Compared to IUI, IVF has a higher success rate and is often the preferred choice for many couples facing infertility, mainly due to its treatment procedure.

Unlike IUI, IVF fertilization happens outside the female body in a laboratory. In IVF, the eggs and sperm are collected from the partners. They are fertilized in a laboratory, monitored for growth, and the healthy embryo is transferred into the female uterus.

This allows doctors to have more control over the quality of the eggs and sperm and the development of embryos, increasing IVF success rates.

Along with benefits, IVF also has its downsides. IVF is more expensive and painful than IUI. It is also a long procedure and is more invasive than IUI. So consider all these factors before choosing the treatment.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

You chose IVF because IUI did not help you get pregnant. But what happens if IVF fails, too?

No need to panic. There is another treatment you can undergo if IVF fails for you. This treatment is ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). This treatment follows the same procedure as IVF, except for one: the fertilization method.

In ICSI, a single, high-quality sperm is selected to be fertilized with the egg. This sperm will be collected in a thin needle and injected directly into the egg’s cytoplasm.

This method is more successful than IVF and has a higher success rate. You can discuss with your doctor and determine whether the treatment option can help you get pregnant successfully.

How Doctors Help Someone With A Failed IUI?

Your doctors play a vital role in the success of your fertility treatments. This is why it is essential to choose the best fertility doctor for your treatments.

Your fertility doctor will stay with you throughout your fertility journey and help you get pregnant successfully. After a failed IUI, your doctor will do some tests and diagnose the exact cause of failure.

You will then undergo treatments to cure the issue. Then, they will draft a treatment plan that can help you get pregnant.

You will undergo a complete analysis, from ultrasounds, blood tests, physical tests, etc., The results can help your doctor determine whether to continue with IUI or move on to other treatment options, like IVF, ICSI, etc.


Always remember, IUI failure is not the end of your hopes and dreams. You can still become a healthy mother with a healthy baby. You just need to be patient and find the right treatment that can help you succeed. 

Before choosing your next step after IUI failure, ensure you have a detailed discussion with your fertility doctor. They can help you analyze the situation and make an informed decision. 


1. What is the next step after a failed IUI?

There are still ways for you to become pregnant after a failed IUI. Below are some of the alternative treatment options. 

  • You can try undergoing another IUI procedure
  • IVF (invitro fertilization)
  • ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
  • IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection)
  • Donor egg, sperm, or embryo
  • Surrogacy
2. Is IUI failure normal?

Yes, IUI failure is normal and happens in many cases. According to studies, women need an average of 3 to 4 cycles to successfully get pregnant through IUI.

3. What are some signs of a failed IUI?
  • You will have some signs and symptoms that indicate a failed IUI. Here are some of them.
  • Menstrual bleeding
  • Negative pregnancy test report
  • Lack of pregnancy symptoms
Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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