Choosing to undergo IVF is a big decision. It is normal for you to feel nervous about what you can and cannot do not to affect your chances of pregnancy.
There are many factors that affect your chances of getting pregnant, and the diet you follow before, during, and after the IVF treatments is one of them.
You would have put so much effort into successfully undergoing an embryo transfer procedure. So, don’t let your poor eating habits be the reason for your IVF failure.
In this article, we’ll discuss some of the essential nutrients and foods you should add to your post-embryo transfer diet. Use this as a reference while taking care of your health after embryo transfer.
Nutrition You Need After Embryo Transfer
- Post-embryo transfer, a nutritious diet should feature iron, zinc, folic acid, and healthy fats for optimal pregnancy support.
The time after your embryo transfer is the most important period of the IVF treatment. You need a healthy and nutritious diet to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.
Below are some essential nutrients and foods you might have to add to your diet for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
All the Best for your IVF Journey !
Iron is an important nutrient during pregnancy. Iron promotes hemoglobin synthesis and aids the proper functioning of all the tissues in your body (especially reproductive tissues during pregnancy).
Iron deficiency can also cause anemia, which is not good during pregnancy. Some iron-rich foods you can add to your pregnancy diet plan are
- Spinach,
- Pumpkin seeds,
- Carrot,
- Beetroot,
- Jaggery, etc.
Zinc plays a vital role in thickening the endometrium and nourishing the embryo. It also promotes progesterone production and cell division in the baby. This can help them develop healthily without any complications.
Some natural sources of zinc are
- Dairy products,
- Potatoes,
- Nuts (peanuts, pecans, cashews, etc.),
- Mushrooms,
- Lentils,
- Seafood (oysters, etc.)
Folic Acid
Folic acid is one of the main supplements you need to take during pregnancy. Folic acid or folate is the natural form of Vitamin B9 and is essential for the healthy development of the baby.
It also helps prevent neural tube, heart, and brain defects in the developing baby. Your doctor will naturally prescribe you folic acid supplements after embryo transfer. If they haven’t, you can consult your doctor and take them.
Some natural foods with high folic acid content are
- Asparagus,
- Corn,
- Whole grains (brown rice, barley, etc.),
- Citrus fruits (oranges, grapes, berries, etc.),
- Avocados,
- Leafy greens (mustard greens, spinach, etc.)
Healthy Fats
You should understand that not all fats are bad for your body. Some healthy fats (monounsaturated fats) collected from plants and animals can promote your baby’s healthy development and maintain hormonal balance in your body.
Some natural foods with healthy fats are
- Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, pollock, etc.),
- Avocados,
- Soymilk,
- Chia seeds,
- Whole eggs,
- Olives, tofu, etc.
Protein-Rich Food
- Including protein-rich foods, fruits, vegetables, and hydration after embryo transfer supports health and improves pregnancy chances.
You would have studied this phrase at school, “proteins are the building blocks of the body.” they are necessary for the healthy growth of your baby’s organs and body structures.
Having protein-rich foods or taking protein supplements after embryo transfer can improve your chances of pregnancy.
Some foods high in protein are
- Fish,
- Cheese,
- Tofu,
- Milk,
- Beans,
- Legumes,
- Sprouts, etc.
Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are necessary foods that you should definitely include in your diet, whether you wish to become pregnant or just want to lead a healthy life.
Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of all the nutrients we saw above. Specific fruits and vegetables are rich in specific nutrients and can be very beneficial to your overall health and fertility.
So, try avoiding junk foods and eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can to increase your chances of getting pregnant after embryo transfer.
Oral Fluids
It won’t be enough just to add solid fluids to your diet. You should also drink as many liquids (water, fruit juices, etc.) as you can to keep your body hydrated and promote metabolism and digestion.
Foods Containing The Respective Nutritions
- A balanced post-embryo transfer diet rich in iron, zinc, folic acid, healthy fats, protein, fruits, vegetables, and hydration is essential for supporting a healthy pregnancy.
Below are some foods you can take to ensure you consume all the nutrients we discussed above.
Asparagus is rich in vitamins A, B1, C, and K. It is also rich in folic acid, and one cup of asparagus can give you about 60% of the daily requirement of the nutrient.
Avocados are also rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin K, folate, potassium, and healthy monounsaturated fats. These nutrients offer various benefits during pregnancy, such as promoting fertility and supporting the growth of your baby..
Whole Grains
Whole grains are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for pregnancy and embryo development. You can add whole-grain foods like whole bread, brown rice, and quinoa to your post-embryo transfer diet.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are rich in folate, vitamin K, and selenium. They are also rich in omega-6 fatty acids and have small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. All these are essential for your fertility and pregnancy.
Foods To Avoid After Embryo Transfer
Similar to how certain foods can help improve your success after embryo transfer, some foods can impact your chances of having a successful pregnancy. Some foods you should avoid after an embryo transfer are listed below.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid seafood that is raw and high in mercury (eat them cooked)
- Avoid processed, junk, and fried foods
- Avoid raw eggs
- Avoid unpasteurized dairy products
- Avoid soft drinks
A healthy and nutritious diet is very important if you wish to increase your IVF success rate. You can discuss this with your fertility doctor and learn what you can and cannot eat after embryo transfer, as well as the activities that you can and cannot do after embryo transfer
You can also consult a dietitian and draft a personalized pregnancy diet plan that suits your health condition.
Most doctors will only ask you to limit caffeine intake during pregnancy. However, it is best to decrease your caffeine intake to be on the safer side. Try minimizing your caffeine to one cup a day during pregnancy.
Yes, you can do minor household activities that don’t put too much pressure on your body. Doing light work also ensures you move and stay physically active.
However, it is important to take it easy after an embryo transfer. Don’t do work that will put too much stress on your body.
Yes, you can travel after embryo transfer. Traveling won’t affect your success rate in any way. However, be careful when traveling. Don’t travel too fast or sit in the same seat for a long time, and always have someone with you while traveling.