IVF FAILURE IS DEVASTATING. Your heart breaks into pieces when you see your hope fail. You may not believe the news you are hearing and no amount of consolation can deprive you of your sadness. We get it. Because we see couples lose hope over a negative pregnancy result.
But do you know something? IVF should not be restricted to a single cycle. The IVF process is successful over a few cycles and many couples stand testimony to that.
IVF still has hope. Your fertility rate increases with each consecutive IVF cycle alongside increasing the rate of success.
There are many reasons why IVF fails. It is not just about having good embryos. Other factors play a vital role in making IVF successful as well.
Scroll down to know the factors apart from good embryos that make IVF successful and move forward in the IVF journey with unfaltering hope.
Factors Influencing IVF Success
- Uterine environment, immune response, hormone levels, health conditions, timing, and lifestyle all impact IVF success.
Quality embryos are essential to enable a successful IVF process. Apart from quality eggs, the factors that influence IVF success include:
- Uterine Environment
- Immune System Receptivity
- Hormone Balance
- Health Condition
- Implantation Timing
- Lifestyle Practices
Uterine Environment
The uterine environment is as important as embryo quality in determining implantation success. Inflammation of the uterus and thin endometrial lining cannot help with a successful embryo implantation.
Immune System Receptivity
Unfortunately, at times, the immune system may mistake the embryo for a foreign entity and reject the transferred embryo.
Hormone Balance
Your body would be undergoing a lot of changes concerning hormones during the IVF process period. These changes in levels of hormones can also impact embryo implantation.
Health Condition
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and autoimmune disorders can hinder the embryo implantation process. Ill health due to malnutrition can also affect your IVF success.
Implantation Timing
Timing plays a crucial role in embryo transfer. Transfer the embryo when your uterus is highly receptive and the estrogen and progesterone hormones are favorable toward the transfer.
Lifestyle Practices
Your lifestyle has a huge impact on the success of the IVF. Your diet, sleep cycle, and physical activities have to be healthy and favorable toward embryo transfer.
Should I Go for Another IVF Cycle?
Not all the factors that influence your IVF success may align with your first IVF cycle. A failed IVF helps you identify the areas that demand more attention to enhance IVF success. So, take a failed IVF as a stepping stone to future IVF success.
Look on the positive side of a failed IVF increasing your fertility than before an IVF treatment and go for the next round of IVF treatment.
When Should I Go for the Next IVF Cycle?
Wait for at least four or six weeks before going for the next IVF cycle treatment. It would be ideal if you go through one complete menstrual cycle before moving on to the next IVF cycle.
How Many Cycles of IVF Are Required for Success?
There is no magic number of IVF cycles that determine success. One thing that is definite about IVF failure is giving up too early. Do not give up as early as two or three cycles before IVF success.
It is suggested to try up to six IVF cycles before moving on to other advanced fertility treatments.
While a failed IVF cycle is disheartening it is essential to know the possible reasons beyond good embryo quality that determine IVF success and take appropriate measures proactively. This proactive and prompt action in identifying the factors that hinder embryo implantation can secure you a positive pregnancy result sooner.
Look for the uterine environment, lifestyle practices, health conditions, and other fertility-affecting cases that could impact your IVF success and consult with your fertility doctor regarding it.
A failed IVF cycle must not determine the range of your hope. Subsequent IVF cycles with a tailored treatment will increase the success rate.
Stay hopeful! IVF still has hope!
To know more about factors influencing the quality of IVF success contact a fertility specialist.
Yes, there are advanced IVF techniques such as cryopreservation, Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), blastocyst culture, and other effective techniques available to enhance IVF success rates.
Stress does affect IVF success. Stress can deteriorate your physical health which in turn affects the IVF process and success.
Eat a healthy balanced diet that is appropriate for IVF pregnancy. Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Intake of animal proteins in moderate quantities and completely avoid processed and junk foods.