
Why No Bath After IVF

Doubtful about bathing after IVF embryo transfer? You may have heard a million dos and don’ts regarding the aftermath of IVF embryo transfer. And you may have also got confused among such a whirlpool of advice.

Relax. Take it easy. You have to be mindful after your IVF embryo transfer process. But you do not have to stress about it.

You can take showers after IVF, but avoid hot water baths, whirlpools, swimming pools, and baths of other kinds.

Why is Taking a Bath Considered Risky After IVF?

Bathing involves immersing your whole body in a container of water. If the water untowardly contains bacteria or other germs, it may cause uterine or vaginal infections. For the time being, it is, therefore good to avoid baths for preventing implantation unsuccess.

Your uterus requires an optimal environment with a null hormonal imbalance and a normal body temperature to aid successful embryo implantation. A spike in the body’s temperature and uterine infections can prevent your embryo from implanting successfully in the uterus. So, after IVF embryo transfer, avoid hot water baths, whirlpool baths, and swimming pools to prevent any uterine or vaginal infections and to maintain a normal basal body temperature.

What Should I Do if I Must Not Bath?

You can take showers instead of bathing after IVF embryo transfer. Take short showers instead of longer showers too. The bottom line is you do not want your body temperature to fluctuate to the extremities. And you do not want to get into contact with harmful chemicals in your bathing products. Therefore, take short showers, instead of baths or longer showers.

Avoid swimming pools and any outdoor water bodies as well after your embryo transfer procedure.

How Long After IVF Can You Take a Shower?

Normally, it is advised to not bathe or shower for a complete 2 or 3 days after embryo transfer. You can shower right after embryo transfer. But, on grounds of precaution and safety, it is better to not bathe immediately after embryo transfer.

Do not expose yourself to extreme weather, especially heat, and do not submerge yourself in a bathtub to cool down.

Stay at an optimal room temperature without exposing yourself to temperature fluctuations for at least a few days after the embryo transfer procedure.

Can I Wash My Hair After Embryo Transfer?

You can wash your hair after 2 or 3 days of no bathing after the embryo transfer process. You can postpone washing your hair for at least a week after embryo transfer. This will ensure that your body temperature does not fluctuate and hinder your implantation process.

As you wash your hair after embryo transfer, see to it that you use chemical-free and fertility-friendly shampoo and other bathing products to wash your hair.

Chemicals such as sulphates, phthalates, toluene, formaldehyde, etc. are considered harmful for pregnancy. So, avoid toxic chemicals-based bathing products after IVF embryo transfer.


Bathing after embryo transfer is a strict no. You can take showers after a few days of embryo transfer. Also, avoid using harmful chemical-based bathing products while showering.

Take light showers and ensure not to exert yourself while showering, at least until you get your pregnancy test results.

Preventing vaginal or uterine infections and hormonal imbalance through escalating body temperature are our main objectives with no bathing after embryo transfer. So, take it easy with showering and bathing after the embryo transfer procedure.

If your doubts persist regarding bathing after IVF embryo transfer, feel free to consult an IVF specialist.

Wishing you a healthy and successful IVF journey!


Why can't I shower after embryo transfer?

You can shower a few days after embryo transfer. You just do not have to shower immediately after embryo transfer. The embryo transferred must find your uterine temperature optimal for survival and implantation. Teasing your body temperature via bathing or showering after embryo transfer can lead to adverse effects.

Can I use soap after embryo transfer?

You can use soaps that are not anti-bacterial and free from fertility-toxic chemicals for bathing after embryo transfer. Make informed purchases so that you can steer clear of harmful soap components that could disturb your hormonal balance leading to failed embryo transfer.

Are showers safer than baths post-IVF?

Yes, showers are safer than baths post-IVF. This is because you will not have to submerge yourself in water during showers. Also, shorter showers are advisable than longer showers to have a regulated optimal body temperature.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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