
Why Women Experience Infertility

Many reasons are involved in defining the reasons for women’s infertility. In this fast-paced environment, we lose fresh air and fresh produce with drastically changed lifestyles. Except for unknown causes of infertility for women, other types of infertility are caused due to bodily changes in the menstrual cycle as well as uterine disorder. You can see the detailed picture of women’s infertility and its effects on women in this article.

If you are worrying about this condition, hereafter don’t. Your fertility doctor will do everything in his might to make your dreams of parenthood come true.

What is Female Infertility?

In many cases, female infertile is the word used to define the inability of women to conceive. This may be caused by various reasons. You are not the cause of the infertility that you are experiencing. It is a very big process. The primary duty of every woman is to maintain your health by having more vegetables and fruits, drinking a lot of water, getting good sleep, etc. Try to avoid junk foods and other snacks to reduce your food cravings. 

The outside foods may cause drastic changes to your hormones that regulate metabolism and other bodily functions, especially the menstrual cycle and reproduction process.

What are the Types of Female Infertility?

Infertility can either be primary or secondary. Sometimes it can even be unexplained in some cases.

Primary Infertility

Primary infertility defines couples who are trying to conceive for nearly one year with unprotected sex. When their pregnancy goal is not achieved, they feel frustrated and exhausted.

Secondary Infertility

After one successful pregnancy in history, women who cannot conceive come under this category.

Unexplained Infertility

If the reason for the infertility is unknown, it comes under unexplained infertility. It cannot be identified even in doing any tests.

How Common is Female Infertility?

It is common for women who are the age of above 35. Do you know why? When your age is growing, the quality and quantity of the egg may decline. In India, around 25% of couples suffer from infertility. Due to career advancement and more personal reasons, women have late marriages. This is reflected in their married life. This is not only a concern for women alone; men are also facing this infertility issue worldwide. What would it be like when you are suffering from infertility?

Signs of Infertility in Women

Some changes in women’s bodies may show off the signs of infertility. Women must be careful in understanding the changes happening in their bodies. It may start with a change in the regular menstrual cycle. Here you may find other symptoms related to infertility in women:

Why Women Experience Infertility?

Infertility is a failure to achieve pregnancy even though they are trying to conceive for nearly one year. It is essential to understand the exact cause of fertility problems in women.

Fallopian Tube Problem:

The scar and blockage of the fallopian tube prevent the sperm from meeting an egg that comes out from the ovary. The scarred tissues of the fallopian tube make the travel path difficult for sperm to reach an egg. If there is no meeting between sperm and egg, then there is no chance for fertilisation to occur.

Uterus Problem

Inside the cavity of your uterus, you may have some polyps, fibroids, and scars. The formation of polyps and fibroids is unknown, and they can be removed either surgically or by medicines. But scars can be caused by previous surgery that involves D&C.

Ovulation Issues

This can be easily identified if you have irregular periods. Ovulation is the crucial phase in the menstrual cycle to release an egg from the ovary. An issue in egg release may be caused by hormonal imbalances, thyroid conditions, tumours in the uterus, improper food habits, etc.

Poor Egg Count and Quality

You all are born with all the eggs you need to ovulate during your lifetime. When your age increases, the count of eggs may decline. When women reach menopause, the count of eggs may be over. As age increases, your egg count and quality may decrease.


These are the leading common causes of infertility for most women in India. So, try to start your pregnancy journey earlier if you know of having these conditions. The treatment may require more time to resolve to initiate pregnancy treatment.

Does Age Impact Women's Fertility?

Do you know that age plays a crucial role in determining your fertility potential?
Yes, age is crucial when you are trying to get pregnant. Women between the ages of 20 and 25 may have higher chances of pregnancy. Even in their late 20s, they have more chances to get pregnant by adopting a small lifestyle and food changes along with some medications. However, women between the ages of 35 and 40 may have lower chances of pregnancy in a natural way. Age impacts fertility, shaping the journey to parenthood.

What Do You Share When You Consult Your Health Care Provider?

You need to share the below information with a detailed medical history with the healthcare provider to determine the best fertility treatment. You need to inform information such as:

  • The duration, flow, and irregularities of your menstrual cycle.
  • Share your past pregnancy experience, including any miscarriages or complications.
  • Tell your pelvic pain that causes chronic or intermittent discomfort.
  • If you have any unusual symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, tell that first to your physician.
  • Surgical history, including any abdominal or pelvic procedures, can be discussed.
  • Share the details of your infections, like previous uterine, vaginal, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), if you have already.

This comprehensive assessment helps identify underlying causes and tailor treatment options like medication, surgery, or assisted reproductive techniques.

What Tests Are Suggested to Diagnose Female Fertility?

Along with general pelvic examination, some tests are suggested for women to diagnose their fertility issues as follows:

Test Purpose
Pelvic examination.
Identifies menstrual-related issues and examines the endometrial lining.
HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)
Examines the uterus shape, blockages, and scars in the fallopian tubes.
Detects fibroids or endometriosis.

How Women's Fertility is Treated?

Once infertility is diagnosed, treatments are determined by the underlying cause. Surgery can be used to address structural difficulties, reproductive medicines to address hormonal or ovulation concerns, and antibiotics to treat infections. Using kits or apps to track ovulation can be beneficial. To start a family, advanced techniques like IUI, IVF, adoption, or surrogacy could be suggested.


In conclusion, women’s infertility is a serious issue that can be treated and identified early to expect more positive pregnancy outcomes. Conditions like PCOS and fibroids can be identified early and need medical attention. According to the seriousness of the cause, treatment can be done to resolve it. Your fertility specialist is always there to support you in every stage of your treatment process.

Picture of Dr Niveditha
Dr Niveditha

Dr. Niveditha is the co-founder of The Hive Fertility and Research Centre. She is a young and passionate fertility expert who aims to provide high-quality fertility treatments to her patients. During her 10+ years of service as a fertility expert, she has helped several hundreds of patients overcome their infertility and become parents. She also specializes in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology

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